Publikationen von B. Nusslein

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Mander, G. J.; Wang, H. M.; Bodie, E.; Wagner, J.; Vienken, K.; Vinuesa, C.; Foster, C.; Leeder, A. C.; Allen, G.; Hamill, V. et al.; Janssen, G. G.; Dunn-Coleman, N.; Karos, M.; Lemaire, H. G.; Subkowski, T.; Bollschweiler, C.; Turner, G.; Nusslein, B.; Fischer, R.: Use of laccase as a novel, versatile reporter system in filamentous fungi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (7), S. 5020 - 5026 (2006)
Nusslein, B.; Eckert, W.; Conrad, R.: Stable isotope biogeochemistry of methane formation in profundal sediments of Lake Kinneret (Israel). Limnology and Oceanography 48 (4), S. 1439 - 1446 (2003)
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