Publikationen von R. Conrad

Zeitschriftenartikel (286)

Ji, Y.; Xu, Y.; Zhao, M.; Zhang, G.; Conrad, R.; Liu, P.; Feng, Z.; Ma, J.; Xu, H.: Winter drainage and film mulching cultivation mitigated CH4 emission by regulating the function and structure of methanogenic archaeal and fermenting bacterial communities in paddy soil. Journal of Environmental Management 323, 116194 (2022)
Conrad, R.; Liu, P.; Claus, P.: Fractionation of stable carbon isotopes during acetate consumption by methanogenic and sulfidogenic microbial communities in rice paddy soils and lake sediments. Biogeosciences 18 (24), S. 6533 - 6546 (2021)
Hernandez, M.; Vera-Gargallo, B.; Calabi-Floody, M.; King, G. M.; Conrad, R.; Tebbe, C. C.: Reconstructing Genomes of Carbon Monoxide Oxidisers in Volcanic Deposits Including Members of the Class Ktedonobacteria. MICROORGANISMS 8 (12), 1880 (2020)
Conrad, R.: Methane Production in Soil Environments-Anaerobic Biogeochemistry and Microbial Life between Flooding and Desiccation. MICROORGANISMS 8 (6), 881 (2020)
Yuan, Q.; Huang, X.; Rui, J.; Qiu, S.; Conrad, R.: Methane production from rice straw carbon in five different methanogenic rice soils: rates, quantities and microbial communities. ACTA GEOCHIMICA 39 (2), S. 181 - 191 (2020)
Conrad, R.; Klose, M.; Enrich-Prast, A.: Acetate turnover and methanogenic pathways in Amazonian lake sediments. BIOGEOSCIENCES 17 (4), S. 1063 - 1069 (2020)
Conrad, R.: Importance of hydrogenotrophic, aceticlastic and methylotrophic methanogenesis for methane production in terrestrial, aquatic and other anoxic environments: A mini review. PEDOSPHERE 30 (1), S. 25 - 39 (2020)
Hernandez, M.; Calabi, M.; Conrad, R.; Dumont, M. G.: Analysis of the microbial communities in soils of different ages following volcanic eruptions. PEDOSPHERE 30 (1), S. 126 - 134 (2020)
Jia, Z.; Myrold, D. D.; Conrad, R.: Soil biodiversity in a rapidly changing world Preface. PEDOSPHERE 30 (1), S. 1 - 4 (2020)
Yang, J.; Conrad, R.; Hua, X.: Responses of archaeal, bacterial, and functional microbial communities to growth season and nitrogen fertilization in rice fields. Biology and Fertility of Soils (56), S. 81 - 95 (2020)
Fu, B.; Jin, X.; Conrad, R.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.: Competition Between Chemolithotrophic Acetogenesis and Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis for Exogenous H2/CO2 in Anaerobically Digested Sludge: Impact of Temperature. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 10, 2418 (2019)
Deng, Y.; Che, R.; Wang, F.; Conrad, R.; Dumont, M.; Yun, J.; Wu, Y.; Hu, A.; Fang, J.; Xu, Z. et al.; Cui, X.; Wang, Y.: Upland Soil Cluster Gamma dominates methanotrophic communities in upland grassland soils. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 670, S. 826 - 836 (2019)
Hernandez, M.; Klose, M.; Claus, P.; Bastviken, D.; Marotta, H.; Figueiredo, V.; Enrich-Prast, A.; Conrad, R.: Structure, function and resilience to desiccation of methanogenic microbial communities in temporarily inundated soils of the Amazon rainforest (Cunia Reserve, Rondonia). ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 21 (5), S. 1702 - 1717 (2019)
Liu, P.; Klose, M.; Conrad, R.: Temperature-Dependent Network Modules of Soil Methanogenic Bacterial and Archaeal Communities. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 10, 496 (2019)
Deng, Y.; Liu, P.; Conrad, R.: Effect of temperature on the microbial community responsible for methane production in alkaline NamCo wetland soil. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 132, S. 69 - 79 (2019)
Yuan, H.; Zhang, Z.; Qin, S.; Zhou, S.; Hu, C.; Clough, T.; Wrage-Moennig, N.; Luo, J.; Conrad, R.: Effects of nitrate and water content on acetylene inhibition technique bias when analysing soil denitrification rates under an aerobic atmosphere. GEODERMA 334, S. 33 - 36 (2019)
Ji, Y.; Liu, P.; Conrad, R.: Response of fermenting bacterial and methanogenic archaeal communities in paddy soil to progressing rice straw degradation. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 124, S. 70 - 80 (2018)
Liu, P.; Klose, M.; Conrad, R.: Temperature effects on structure and function of the methanogenic microbial communities in two paddy soils and one desert soil. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 124, S. 236 - 244 (2018)
Dong, X.; Greening, C.; Bruls, T.; Conrad, R.; Guo, K.; Blaskowski, S.; Kaschani, F.; Kaiser, M.; Abu Lain, N.; Meckenstock, R.: Fermentative Spirochaetes mediate necromass recycling in anoxic hydrocarbon-contaminated habitats. ISME JOURNAL 12 (8), S. 2039 - 2050 (2018)
Ji, Y.; Liu, P.; Conrad, R.: Change of the pathway of methane production with progressing anoxic incubation of paddy soil. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 121, S. 177 - 184 (2018)
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