Publikationen von M. Egert

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Herrmann, E.; Young, W.; Rosendale, D.; Conrad, R.; Riedel, C.; Egert, M.: Determination of Resistant Starch Assimilating Bacteria in Fecal Samples of Mice by In vitro RNA-Based Stable Isotope Probing. Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 1331 (2017)
Egert, M.; Stingl, U.; Bruun, L.; Pommerenke, B.; Brune, A.; Friedrich, M.: Structure and topology of microbial communities in the major gut compartments of Melolontha melolontha larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (8), S. 4556 - 4566 (2005)
Egert, M.; Friedrich, M.: Post-amplification Klenow fragment treatment alleviates PCR bias caused by partially single-stranded amplicons. Journal of Microbiological Methods 61, S. 69 - 75 (2005)
Egert, M.; Marhan, S.; Wagner, B.; Scheu, S.; Friedrich, M.: Molecular profiling of 16S rRNA genes reveals diet-related differences of microbial communities in soil, gut, and casts of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). FEMS Microbiology Ecology 48 (2), S. 187 - 197 (2004)
Egert, M.; Wagner, B.; Lemke, T.; Brune, A.; Friedrich, M. W.: Microbial community structure in midgut and hindgut of the humus-feeding larva of Pachnoda ephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (11), S. 6659 - 6668 (2003)
Lemke, T.; Stingl, U.; Egert, M.; Friedrich, M. W.; Brune, A.: Physicochemical conditions and microbial activities in the highly alkaline gut of the humus-feeding larva of Pachnoda ephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (11), S. 6650 - 6658 (2003)
Egert, M.; Friedrich, M.: Formation of pseudo-terminal restriction fragments, a PCR-related bias affecting terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of microbial community structure. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (5), S. 2555 - 2562 (2003)
Egert, M.; Tevini, M.: Influence of ultraviolet-B radiation on peroxidase activity of Allium schoenoprasum leaves. Biologia Plantarum 47 (2), S. 265 - 267 (2003)
Egert, M.; Wagner, B.; Lemke, T.; Brune, A.; Friedrich, M.: Microbial community structure in midgut and hindgut of the humus-feeding larva of Pachnoda ephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 69 (11), S. 6659 - 6668 (2003)
Egert, M.; Tevini, M.: Influence of drought on some physiological parameters symptomatic for oxidative stress in leaves of chives (Allium schoenoprasum). Environmental and Experimental Botany 48 (1), S. 43 - 49 (2002)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Egert, M. G. G.: Struktur und räumliche Verteilung mikrobieller Gemeinschaften im Verdauungstrakt ausgewählter Boden-Invertebraten. Dissertation, Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2003)
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