
Publikationen von M. Wagner

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Dohlemann, J.; Wagner, M.; Happel, C.; Carrillo, M.; Sobetzko, P.; Erb, T.; Thanbichler, M.; Becker, A.: A Family of Single Copy repABC-Type Shuttle Vectors Stably Maintained in the Alpha-Proteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti. ACS Synthetic Biology 6 (6), S. 968 - 984 (2017)
Wagner, M.; Wagner, A.; Ma, X.; Kort, J.; Ghosh, A.; Rauch, B.; Siebers, B.; Albers, S.: Investigation of the malE Promoter and MalR, a Positive Regulator of the Maltose Regulon, for an Improved Expression System in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (3), S. 1072 - 1081 (2014)
Kouril, T.; Wieloch, P.; Reimann, J.; Wagner, M.; Zaparty, M.; Albers, S. V.; Schomburg, D.; Ruoff, P.; Siebers, B.: Unraveling the function of the two EntnerDoudoroff branches in the thermoacidophilic Crenarchaeon Sulfolobussolfataricus P2. FEBS Journal 280 (4), S. 1126 - 1138 (2013)
Gristwood, T.; Duggin, I. G.; Wagner, M.; Albers, S. V.; Bell, S. D.: The sub-cellular localization of Sulfolobus DNA replication. Nucleic Acids Research 40 (12), S. 5487 - 5496 (2012)
Wagner, M.; van Wolferen, M.; Wagner, A.; Lassak, K.; Meyer, B. H.; Reimann, J.; Albers, S.-V.: Versatile Genetic Tool Box for the Crenarchaeote Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Frontiers in Microbiology 3, 214 (2012)
Ellen, A. F.; Rohulya, O. V.; Fusetti, F.; Wagner, M.; Albers, S. V.; Driessen, A. J. M.: The Sulfolobicin Genes of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius Encode Novel Antimicrobial Proteins. Journal of Bacteriology 193 (17), S. 4380 - 4387 (2011)
Froels, S.; Wagner, M.; Teichmann, D.; Zolghadr, B.; Folea, M.; Boeckema, E.; Diessen, A.; Schleper, C.; Albers, S.: UV-inducible cellular aggregation of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is mediated by pili formation. Molecular Microbiology 70, S. 938 - 952 (2010)
Wagner, M.; Berkner, S.; Ajon, M.; Driessen, A.; Albers, S.: Expanding and understanding the genetic toolbox of the hyperthermophilic genus Sulfolobus. Biochemical Society Transactions 37, S. 97 - 101 (2009)
Froels, S.; Ajon, M.; Wagner, M.; Teichmann, D.; Zolghadr, B.; Folea, M.; Boekema, E.; Diessen, A.; Schleper, C.; Albers, S.: UV-inducible cellular aggregation of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is mediated by pili formation. Molecular Microbiology 70, S. 938 - 952 (2008)
Zverlov, V.; Klein, M.; Lücker, S.; Friedrich, M.; Kellermann, J.; Stahl, D.; Loy, A.; Wagner, M.: Lateral gene transfer of dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase revisited. Journal of Bacteriology 187 (6), S. 2203 - 2208 (2005)

Buchkapitel (1)

Wagner, M.; Loy, A.; Klein, M.; Lee, N.; Ramsing, N. B.; Stahl, D. A.; Friedrich, M. W.: Functional marker genes for identification of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes. In: ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Bd. 397, S. 469 - 489. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC, SAN DIEGO (2005)
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