
Publikationen von A. Ghosh

Zeitschriftenartikel (15)

Henche, A.; van Wolferen, M.; Ghosh, A.; Albers, S.: Dissection of key determinants of cleavage activity in signal peptidase III (SPaseIII) PibD. Extremophiles 18 (5), S. 905 - 913 (2014)
Wagner, M.; Wagner, A.; Ma, X.; Kort, J.; Ghosh, A.; Rauch, B.; Siebers, B.; Albers, S.: Investigation of the malE Promoter and MalR, a Positive Regulator of the Maltose Regulon, for an Improved Expression System in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (3), S. 1072 - 1081 (2014)
Reindl, S.; Ghosh, A.; Williams, G. J.; Lassak, K.; Neiner, T.; Henche, A. L.; Albers, S. V.; Tainer, J. A.: Insights into Flal Functions in Archaeal Motor Assembly and Motility from Structures, Conformations, and Genetics. Molecular Cell 49 (6), S. 1069 - 1082 (2013)
Banerjee, A.; Ghosh, A.; Mills, D. J.; Kahnt, J.; Vonck, J.; Albers, S. V.: FlaX, A Unique Component of the Crenarchaeal Archaellum, Forms Oligomeric Ring-shaped Structures and Interacts with the Motor ATPase FlaI. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (52), S. 43322 - 43330 (2012)
Henche, A. L.; Ghosh, A.; Yu, X.; Jeske, T.; Egelman, E.; Albers, S. V.: Structure and function of the adhesive type IV pilus of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Environmental Microbiology 14 (12), S. 3188 - 3202 (2012)
Lassak, K.; Ghosh, A.; Albers, S. V.: Diversity, assembly and regulation of archaeal type IV pili-like and non-type-IV pili-like surface structures. Research in Microbiology 163 (9-10 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 630 - 644 (2012)
Henche, A. L.; Koerdt, A.; Ghosh, A.; Albers, S. V.: Influence of cell surface structures on crenarchaeal biofilm formation using a thermostable green fluorescent protein. Environmental Microbiology 14 (3), S. 779 - 793 (2012)
Koerdt, A.; Jachlewski, S.; Ghosh, A.; Wingender, J.; Siebers, B.; Albers, S. V.: Complementation of Sulfolobus solfataricus PBL2025 with an alpha-mannosidase: effects on surface attachment and biofilm formation. Extremophiles 16 (1), S. 115 - 125 (2012)
Lassak, K.; Neiner, T.; Ghosh, A.; Klingl, A.; Wirth, R.; Albers, S. V.: Molecular analysis of the crenarchaeal flagellum. Molecular Microbiology 83 (1), S. 110 - 124 (2012)
Djamei, A.; Schipper, K.; Rabe, F.; Ghosh, A.; Vincon, V.; Kahnt, J.; Osorio, S.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A. R.; Feussner, I. et al.; Feussner, K.; Meinicke, P.; Stierhof, Y. D.; Schwarz, H.; Macek, B.; Mann, M.; Kahmann, R.: Metabolic priming by a secreted fungal effector. Nature 478 (7369), S. 395 - 398 (2011)
Ghosh, A.; Hartung, S.; van der Does, C.; Tainer, J. A.; Albers, S. V.: Archaeal flagellar ATPase motor shows ATP-dependent hexameric assembly and activity stimulation by specific lipid binding. Biochemical Journal 437, S. 43 - 52 (2011)
Ghosh, A.; Hartung, S.; van der Does, C.; Tainer, J. A.; Albers, S. V.: Archaeal flagellar ATPase motor shows ATP-dependent hexameric assembly and activity stimulation by specific lipid binding. Biochemical Journal 437, S. 43 - 52 (2011)
Pohlschroder, M.; Ghosh, A.; Tripepi, M.; Albers, S. V.: Archaeal type IV pilus-like structures-evolutionarily conserved prokaryotic surface organelles. Current Opinion in Microbiology 14 (3 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 357 - 363 (2011)
Basu, S.; Roy, A.; Ghosh, A.; Bera, A.; Chattopadhyay, D.; Chakrabarti, K.: Arg(235) is an essential catalytic residue of Bacillus pumilus DKS1 pectate lyase to degum ramie fibre. Biodegradation 22 (1), S. 153 - 161 (2011)
Ghosh, A.; Albers, S. V.: Assembly and function of the archaeal flagellum. Biochemical Society Transactions 39, S. 64 - 69 (2011)
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