Publikationen von S. V. Albers

Zeitschriftenartikel (89)

Reimann, J.; Lassak, K.; Khadouma, S.; Ettema, T. J. G.; Yang, N.; Driessen, A. J. M.; Klingl, A.; Albers, S. V.: Regulation of archaella expression by the FHA and von Willebrand domain-containing proteins ArnA and ArnB in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Molecular Microbiology 86 (1), S. 24 - 36 (2012)
Gristwood, T.; Duggin, I. G.; Wagner, M.; Albers, S. V.; Bell, S. D.: The sub-cellular localization of Sulfolobus DNA replication. Nucleic Acids Research 40 (12), S. 5487 - 5496 (2012)
Jarrell, K. F.; Albers, S. V.: The archaellum: an old motility structure with a new name. Trends in Microbiology 20 (7), S. 307 - 312 (2012)
Vollmecke, C.; Drees, S. L.; Reimann, J.; Albers, S. V.; Lubben, M.: The ATPases CopA and CopB both contribute to copper resistance of the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Microbiology-SGM 158, S. 1622 - 1633 (2012)
Kalliomaa-Sanford, A. K.; Rodriguez-Castaneda, F. A.; McLeod, B. N.; Latorre-Rosello, V.; Smith, J. H.; Reimann, J.; Albers, S. V.; Barilla, D.: Chromosome segregation in Archaea mediated by a hybrid DNA partition machine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (10), S. 3754 - 3759 (2012)
Henche, A. L.; Koerdt, A.; Ghosh, A.; Albers, S. V.: Influence of cell surface structures on crenarchaeal biofilm formation using a thermostable green fluorescent protein. Environmental Microbiology 14 (3), S. 779 - 793 (2012)
Zhang, J.; Rouillon, C.; Kerou, M.; Reeks, J.; Brugger, K.; Graham, S.; Reimann, J.; Cannone, G.; Liu, H. T.; Albers, S. V. et al.; Naismith, J. H.; Spagnolo, L.; White, M. F.: Structure and Mechanism of the CMR Complex for CRISPR-Mediated Antiviral Immunity. Molecular Cell 45 (3), S. 303 - 313 (2012)
Koerdt, A.; Jachlewski, S.; Ghosh, A.; Wingender, J.; Siebers, B.; Albers, S. V.: Complementation of Sulfolobus solfataricus PBL2025 with an alpha-mannosidase: effects on surface attachment and biofilm formation. Extremophiles 16 (1), S. 115 - 125 (2012)
Lassak, K.; Neiner, T.; Ghosh, A.; Klingl, A.; Wirth, R.; Albers, S. V.: Molecular analysis of the crenarchaeal flagellum. Molecular Microbiology 83 (1), S. 110 - 124 (2012)
Wagner, M.; van Wolferen, M.; Wagner, A.; Lassak, K.; Meyer, B. H.; Reimann, J.; Albers, S.-V.: Versatile Genetic Tool Box for the Crenarchaeote Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Frontiers in Microbiology 3, 214 (2012)
Meyer, B. H.; Zolghadr, B.; Peyfoon, E.; Pabst, M.; Panico, M.; Morris, H. R.; Haslam, S. M.; Messner, P.; Schaffer, C.; Dell, A. et al.; Albers, S. V.: Sulfoquinovose synthase - an important enzyme in the N-glycosylation pathway of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Molecular Microbiology 82 (5), S. 1150 - 1163 (2011)
Ajon, M.; Frols, S.; van Wolferen, M.; Stoecker, K.; Teichmann, D.; Driessen, A. J. M.; Grogan, D. W.; Albers, S. V.; Schleper, C.: UV-inducible DNA exchange in hyperthermophilic archaea mediated by type IV pili. Molecular Microbiology 82 (4), S. 807 - 817 (2011)
Esser, D.; Kouril, T.; Zaparty, M.; Sierocinski, P.; Chan, P. P.; Lowe, T.; Van der Oost, J.; Albers, S. V.; Schomburg, D.; Makarova, K. S. et al.; Siebers, B.: Functional curation of the Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 and S. acidocaldarius 98-3 complete genome sequences. Extremophiles 15 (6), S. 711 - 712 (2011)
Hitchen, P.; Peyfoon, E.; Meyer, B.; Haslam, S.; Albers, S. V.; Dell, A.: Structural Characterisation of Sulfolobus Glycoproteins by Mass Spectrometry. Glycobiology 21 (11), S. 1461 - 1461 (2011)
Siebers, B.; Zaparty, M.; Raddatz, G.; Tjaden, B.; Albers, S. V.; Bell, S. D.; Blombach, F.; Kletzin, A.; Kyrpides, N.; Lanz, C. et al.; Plagens, A.; Rampp, M.; Rosinus, A.; von Jan, M.; Makarova, K. S.; Klenk, H. P.; Schuster, S. C.; Hensel, R.: The Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoproteus tenax: A Physiologically Versatile Member of the Crenarchaeota. PLoS ONE 6 (10), e24222 (2011)
Guan, Z. Q.; Meyer, B. H.; Albers, S. V.; Eichler, J.: The thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius contains an unsually short, highly reduced dolichyl phosphate. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1811 (10), S. 607 - 616 (2011)
Ellen, A. F.; Rohulya, O. V.; Fusetti, F.; Wagner, M.; Albers, S. V.; Driessen, A. J. M.: The Sulfolobicin Genes of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius Encode Novel Antimicrobial Proteins. Journal of Bacteriology 193 (17), S. 4380 - 4387 (2011)
Koerdt, A.; Orell, A.; Pham, T. K.; Mukherjee, J.; Wlodkowski, A.; Karunakaran, E.; Biggs, C. A.; Wright, P. C.; Albers, S. V.: Macromolecular Fingerprinting of Sulfolobus Species in Biofilm: A Transcriptomic and Proteomic Approach Combined with Spectroscopic Analysis. Journal of Proteome Research 10 (9), S. 4105 - 4119 (2011)
Ghosh, A.; Hartung, S.; van der Does, C.; Tainer, J. A.; Albers, S. V.: Archaeal flagellar ATPase motor shows ATP-dependent hexameric assembly and activity stimulation by specific lipid binding. Biochemical Journal 437, S. 43 - 52 (2011)
Ghosh, A.; Hartung, S.; van der Does, C.; Tainer, J. A.; Albers, S. V.: Archaeal flagellar ATPase motor shows ATP-dependent hexameric assembly and activity stimulation by specific lipid binding. Biochemical Journal 437, S. 43 - 52 (2011)
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