Publikationen von Florian Fleischhacker

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Bozhueyuek, K. A. J.; Linck, A.; Tietze, A.; Kranz, J.; Wesche, F.; Nowak, S.; Fleischhacker, F.; Shi, Y.-N.; Gruen, P.; Bode, H. B.: Modification and de novo design of non-ribosomal peptide synthetases using specific assembly points within condensation domains. NATURE CHEMISTRY 11 (7), S. 653 - 661 (2019)
Bozhueyuek, K. A. J.; Fleischhacker, F.; Linck, A.; Wesche, F.; Tietze, A.; Niesert, C.-P.; Bode, H. B.: De novo design and engineering of non-ribosomal peptide synthetases. NATURE CHEMISTRY 10 (3), S. 275 - 281 (2018)
Kegler, C.; Nollmann, F. I.; Ahrendt, T.; Fleischhacker, F.; Bode, E.; Bode, H. B.: Rapid Determination of the Amino Acid Configuration of Xenotetrapeptide. CHEMBIOCHEM 15 (6), S. 826 - 828 (2014)
Schimming, O.; Fleischhacker, F.; Nollmann, F. I.; Bode, H. B.: Yeast Homologous Recombination Cloning Leading to the Novel Peptides Ambactin and Xenolindicin. CHEMBIOCHEM 15 (9), S. 1290 - 1294 (2014)
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