Publikationen von Y.-C. Zheng

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Arriaza-Gallardo, F. J.; Schaupp, S.; Zheng, Y.-C.; Abdul-Halim, M. F.; Hui-Jie, P.; Kahnt, J.; Angelidou, G.; Paczia, N.; Hu, X.; Costa, K. et al.; Shima, S.: The function of two radical-SAM enzymes, HcgA and HcgG, in the biosynthesis of the [Fe]-hydrogenase cofactor. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 61 (50), e202213239 (2022)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Arriaza-Gallardo, F. J.; Zheng, Y.-C.; Gehl, M.; Nomura, S.; Queiroz, F.; Pedro, J.; Shima, S.: [Fe]-hydrogenase, cofactor biosynthesis and engineering. Chembiochem 24 (20), e202300330 (2023)
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