Publikationen von Yi-Ming Shi

Zeitschriftenartikel (21)

Effert, J.; Westphalen, M.; Calderari, A.; Shi, Y.-M.; Elamri, I.; Najah, S.; Grün, P.; Li, Y.; Gruez, A.; Weissman, K. J. et al.; Bode, H. B.: Pyrrolizwilline, a unique bacterial alkaloid assembled by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase and non-enzymatic dimerization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (51), e202411258 (2024)
Meesil, W.; Muangpat, P.; Sitthisak, S.; Rattanarojpong, T.; Chantratita, N.; Machado, R. A. R.; Shi, Y.-M.; Bode, H. B.; Vitta, A.; Thanwisai, A.: Genome mining reveals novel biosynthetic gene clusters in entomopathogenic bacteria. Scientific Reports 13, 20764 (2023)
Shi, Y.-M.; Crames, J. J.; Czech, L.; Bozhüyük, K. A. J.; Shi, Y.-N.; Hirschmann, M.; Lamberth, S.; Claus, P.; Paczia, N.; Ruckert, C. et al.; Kalinowski, J.; Bange, G.; Bode, H. B.: Genome mining enabled by biosynthetic characterization uncovers a class of benzoxazolinate-containing natural products in diverse bacteria. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 61 (51), e202206106 (2022)
Shi, Y.-M.; Hirschmann, M.; Shi, Y.-N.; Bode, H. B.: Cleavage off-loading and post-assembly-line conversions yield products with unusual termini during biosynthesis. ACS Chemical Biology 17 (8), S. 2221 - 2228 (2022)
Shi, Y.-M.; Hirschmann, M.; Shi, Y.-N.; Ahmed, S.; Abebew, D.; Tobias, N. J.; Grun, P.; Crames, J. J.; Pöschel, L.; Kuttenlochner, W. et al.; Richter, C.; Herrmann, J.; Muller, R.; Thanwisai, A.; Pidot, S. J.; Stinear, T. P.; Groll, M.; Kim, Y.; Bode, H. B.: Global analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters reveals conserved and unique natural products in entomopathogenic nematode-symbiotic bacteria. Nature Chemistry 14, S. 701 - 712 (2022)
Zolfaghariyan, S.; Shakeri, A.; Asili, J.; Tarighi, S.; Grün, P.; Shi, Y.-M.; Bode, H. B.; Karimi, J.: Cyclic depsipeptides and linear peptides with cytotoxic and antiphytopathogenic activities from symbiotic bacteria of Xenorhabdus (Enterobacteriales: Morganellaceae) genus. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 116 (2), S. 114 - 124 (2022)
Reyes-Fernandez, E. Z.; Shi, Y.-M.; Gruen, P.; Bode, H. B.; Boelker, M.: An unconventional melanin biosynthesis pathway in Ustilago maydis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (3), e01510-20 (2021)
Machado, R. A. R.; Thoenen, L.; Arce, C. C. M.; Theepan, V.; Prada, F.; Wuethrich, D.; Robert, C. A. M.; Vogiatzaki, E.; Shi, Y.-M.; Schaeren, O. P. et al.; Notter, M.; Bruggmann, R.; Hapfelmeier, S.; Bode, H. B.; Erb, M.: Engineering bacterial symbionts of nematodes improves their biocontrol potential to counter the western corn rootworm (Feb, 10.1038/s41587-020-0419-1, 2020). NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 38 (5), S. 649 - 649 (2020)
Machado, R. A. R.; Thonen, L.; Arce, C. C. M.; Theepan, V.; Prada, F.; Wuthrich, D.; Robert, C. A. M.; Vogiatzaki, E.; Shi, Y.-M.; Schaeren, O. P. et al.; Notter, M.; Bruggmann, R.; Hapfelmeier, S.; Bode, H. B.; Erb, M.: Engineering bacterial symbionts of nematodes improves biocontrol potential of the western corn rootworm. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 38 (5) (2020)
Bode, E.; Heinrich, A. K.; Hirschmann, M.; Abebew, D.; Shi, Y.-N.; Tien Vo, D.; Wesche, F.; Shi, Y.-M.; Gruen, P.; Simonyi, S. et al.; Keller, N.; Engel, Y.; Wenski, S.; Bennet, R.; Beyer, S.; Bischoff, I.; Buaya, A.; Brandt, S.; Cakmak, I.; Cimen, H.; Eckstein, S.; Frank, D.; Fuerst, R.; Gand, M.; Geisslinger, G.; Hazir, S.; Henke, M.; Heermann, R.; Lecaudey, V.; Schaefer, W.; Schiffmann, S.; Schueffler, A.; Schwenk, R.; Skaljac, M.; Thines, E.; Thines, M.; Ulshoefer, T.; Vilcinskas, A.; Wichelhaus, T. A.; Bode, H. B.: Promoter Activation in Delta hfq Mutants as an Efficient Tool for Specialized Metabolite Production Enabling Direct Bioactivity Testing. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 58 (52), S. 18957 - 18963 (2019)
Drummond, L.; Kschowak, M. J.; Breitenbach, J.; Wolff, H.; Shi, Y.-M.; Schrader, J.; Bode, H. B.; Sandmann, G.; Buchhaupt, M.: Expanding the Isoprenoid Building Block Repertoire with an IPP Methyltransferase from Streptomyces monomycini. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY 8 (6), S. 1303 - 1313 (2019)
Grammbitter, G. L. C.; Schmalhofer, M.; Karimi, K.; Shi, Y.-M.; Schoener, T. A.; Tobias, N. J.; Morgner, N.; Groll, M.; Bode, H. B.: An Uncommon Type II PKS Catalyzes Biosynthesis of Aryl Polyene Pigments. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 141 (42), S. 16615 - 16623 (2019)
Shi, Y.-M.; Brachmann, A. O.; Westphalen, M. A.; Neubacher, N.; Tobias, N. J.; Bode, H. B.: Dual phenazine gene clusters enable diversification during biosynthesis. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 15 (4), S. 331 - + (2019)
Shi, Y.-N.; Pusch, S.; Shi, Y.-M.; Richter, C.; Macia-Vicente, J. G.; Schwalbe, H.; Kaiser, M.; Opatz, T.; Bode, H. B.: (+/-)-Alternarlactones A and B, Two Antiparasitic Alternariol-like Dimers from the Fungus Alternaria alternata P1210 Isolated from the Halophyte Salicornia sp. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 84 (17), S. 11203 - 11209 (2019)
Tobias, N. J.; Parra-Rojas, C.; Shi, Y.-N.; Shi, Y.-M.; Simonyi, S.; Thanwisai, A.; Vitta, A.; Chantratita, N.; Hernandez-Vargas, E. A.; Bode, H. B.: Cyclo(tetrahydroxybutyrate) production is sufficient to distinguish between Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus isolates in Thailand. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 21 (8), S. 2921 - 2932 (2019)
Wang, G.; Zhao, Z.; Ke, J.; Engel, Y.; Shi, Y.-M.; Robinson, D.; Bingol, K.; Zhang, Z.; Bowen, B.; Louie, K. et al.; Wang, B.; Evans, R.; Miyamoto, Y.; Cheng, K.; Kosina, S.; De Raad, M.; Silva, L.; Luhrs, A.; Lubbe, A.; Hoyt, D. W.; Francavilla, C.; Otani, H.; Deutsch, S.; Washton, N. M.; Rubin, E. M.; Mouncey, N. J.; Visel, A.; Northen, T.; Cheng, J.-F.; Bode, H. B.; Yoshikuni, Y.: CRAGE enables rapid activation of biosynthetic gene clusters in undomesticated bacteria. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 4 (12), S. 2498 - 2510 (2019)
Shi, Y.-M.; Bode, H. B.: Chemical language and warfare of bacterial natural products in bacteria-nematode-insect interactions. NATURAL PRODUCT REPORTS 35 (4), S. 309 - 335 (2018)
Shi, Y.-M.; Richter, C.; Challinor, V. L.; Gruen, P.; del Rio, A. G.; Kaiser, M.; Schueffler, A.; Piepenbring, M.; Schwalbe, H.; Bode, H. B.: Georatusin, a Specific Antiparasitic Polyketide-Peptide Hybrid from the Fungus Geomyces auratus. ORGANIC LETTERS 20 (6), S. 1563 - 1567 (2018)
Tobias, N. J.; Shi, Y.-M.; Bode, H. B.: Refining the Natural Product Repertoire in Entomopathogenic Bacteria. TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY 26 (10), S. 833 - 840 (2018)
Cai, X.; Shi, Y.-M.; Poehlmann, N.; Revermann, O.; Bahner, I.; Pidot, S. J.; Wesche, F.; Lackner, H.; Buechel, C.; Kaiser, M. et al.; Richter, C.; Schwalbe, H.; Stinear, T. P.; Zeeck, A.; Bode, H. B.: Structure and Biosynthesis of Isatropolones, Bioactive Amine-Scavenging Fluorescent Natural Products from Streptomyces Go66. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 56 (18), S. 4945 - 4949 (2017)
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