Publikationen von Yi-Ming Shi
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Zeitschriftenartikel (21)
63 (51), e202411258 (2024)
Pyrrolizwilline, a unique bacterial alkaloid assembled by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase and non-enzymatic dimerization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
13, 20764 (2023)
Genome mining reveals novel biosynthetic gene clusters in entomopathogenic bacteria. Scientific Reports
61 (51), e202206106 (2022)
Genome mining enabled by biosynthetic characterization uncovers a class of benzoxazolinate-containing natural products in diverse bacteria. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English
17 (8), S. 2221 - 2228 (2022)
Cleavage off-loading and post-assembly-line conversions yield products with unusual termini during biosynthesis. ACS Chemical Biology
14, S. 701 - 712 (2022)
Global analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters reveals conserved and unique natural products in entomopathogenic nematode-symbiotic bacteria. Nature Chemistry
116 (2), S. 114 - 124 (2022)
Cyclic depsipeptides and linear peptides with cytotoxic and antiphytopathogenic activities from symbiotic bacteria of Xenorhabdus (Enterobacteriales: Morganellaceae) genus. Annals of the Entomological Society of America
87 (3), e01510-20 (2021)
An unconventional melanin biosynthesis pathway in Ustilago maydis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
38 (5), S. 649 - 649 (2020)
Engineering bacterial symbionts of nematodes improves their biocontrol potential to counter the western corn rootworm (Feb, 10.1038/s41587-020-0419-1, 2020). NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY
38 (5) (2020)
Engineering bacterial symbionts of nematodes improves biocontrol potential of the western corn rootworm. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY
58 (52), S. 18957 - 18963 (2019)
Promoter Activation in Delta hfq Mutants as an Efficient Tool for Specialized Metabolite Production Enabling Direct Bioactivity Testing. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
8 (6), S. 1303 - 1313 (2019)
Expanding the Isoprenoid Building Block Repertoire with an IPP Methyltransferase from Streptomyces monomycini. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY
141 (42), S. 16615 - 16623 (2019)
An Uncommon Type II PKS Catalyzes Biosynthesis of Aryl Polyene Pigments. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
15 (4), S. 331 - + (2019)
Dual phenazine gene clusters enable diversification during biosynthesis. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY
84 (17), S. 11203 - 11209 (2019)
(+/-)-Alternarlactones A and B, Two Antiparasitic Alternariol-like Dimers from the Fungus Alternaria alternata P1210 Isolated from the Halophyte Salicornia sp. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
21 (8), S. 2921 - 2932 (2019)
Cyclo(tetrahydroxybutyrate) production is sufficient to distinguish between Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus isolates in Thailand. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
4 (12), S. 2498 - 2510 (2019)
CRAGE enables rapid activation of biosynthetic gene clusters in undomesticated bacteria. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY
35 (4), S. 309 - 335 (2018)
Chemical language and warfare of bacterial natural products in bacteria-nematode-insect interactions. NATURAL PRODUCT REPORTS
20 (6), S. 1563 - 1567 (2018)
Georatusin, a Specific Antiparasitic Polyketide-Peptide Hybrid from the Fungus Geomyces auratus. ORGANIC LETTERS
26 (10), S. 833 - 840 (2018)
Refining the Natural Product Repertoire in Entomopathogenic Bacteria. TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY
56 (18), S. 4945 - 4949 (2017)
Structure and Biosynthesis of Isatropolones, Bioactive Amine-Scavenging Fluorescent Natural Products from Streptomyces Go66. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION