Publikationen von R. Wedlich-Söldner

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Wedlich-Söldner, R.; Straube, A.; Friedrich, M. W.; Steinberg, G.: A balance of KIF1A-like kinesin and dynein organizes early endosomes in the fungus Ustilago maydis. EMBO Journal 21 (12), S. 2946 - 2957 (2002)
Wedlich-Söldner, R.; Schulz, I.; Straube, A.; Steinberg, G.: Dynein supports motility of endoplasmic reticulum in the fungus Ustilago maydis. Molecular Biology of the Cell 13 (3), S. 965 - 977 (2002)
Wedlich-Söldner, R.; Straube, A.; Friedrich, M.; Steinberg, G.: A balance of KIF1A-like kinesin and dynein organizes early endosomes in the fungus Ustilago maydis. The EMBO Journal 21, S. 2946 - 2957 (2002)
Steinberg, G.; Wedlich-Söldner, R.; Straube, A.; Schulz, I.: Dynein supports motility of the endoplasmic reticulum in the fungus Ustilago maydis. Molecular Biology of the Cell 12 (Suppl. S), S. 906 (2001)
Straube, A.; Enard, W.; Berner, A.; Wedlich-Soeldner, R.; Kahmann, R.; Steinberg, G.: A split motor domain in a cytoplasmic dynein. Molecular Biology of the Cell 12 (Suppl. S), S. 1714 (2001)
Steinberg, G.; Wedlich-Soeldner, R.; Brill, M.; Schulz, I.: Microtubules in the fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis are highly dynamic and determine cell polarity. Journal of Cell Science 114, S. 609 - 622 (2001)
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