Publikationen von U. Volker

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Budde, I.; Steil, L.; Scharf, C.; Volker, U.; Bremer, E.: Adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to growth at low temperature: a combined transcriptomic and proteomic appraisal. Microbiology-SGM 152, S. 831 - 853 (2006)
Steil, L.; Serrano, M.; Henriques, A. O.; Volker, U.: Genome-wide analysis of temporally regulated and compartment-specific gene expression in sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology-SGM 151, S. 399 - 420 (2005)
Laukel, M.; Rossignol, M.; Borderies, G.; Voelker, U.; Vorholt, J. A.: Comparison of the proteome of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 grown under methylotrophic and nonmethylotrophic conditions. PROTEOMICS 4 (5), S. 1247 - 1264 (2004)
Costa, T.; Steil, L.; Martins, L. O.; Voelker, U.; Henriques, A. O.: Assembly of an oxalate decarboxylase produced under sigma(K) control into the Bacillus subtilis spore coat. Journal of Bacteriology 186 (5), S. 1462 - 1474 (2004)
Steil, L.; Hoffmann, T.; Budde, I.; Voelker, U.; Bremer, E.: Genome-wide transcriptional profiling analysis of adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to high salinity. Journal of Bacteriology 185 (21), S. 6358 - 6370 (2003)
Sonawane, A.; Kloppner, U.; Hovel, S.; Volker, U.; Rohm, K. H.: Identification of Pseudomonas proteins coordinately induced by acidic amino acids and their amides: a two-dimensional electrophoresis study. Microbiology-SGM 149, S. 2909 - 2918 (2003)
Brigulla, M.; Hoffmann, T.; Krisp, A.; Volker, A.; Bremer, E.; Volker, U.: Chill induction of the SigB-dependent general stress response in Bacillus subtilis and its contribution to low-temperature adaptation. Journal of Bacteriology 185 (15), S. 4305 - 4314 (2003)
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