Publikationen von D. Schmitt-Wagner

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Wienemann, T.; Schmitt-Wagner, D.; Meuser, K.; Segelbacher, G.; Schink, B.; Brune, A.; Berthold, P.: The bacterial microbiota in the ceca of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) differs between wild and captive birds. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 34 (7), S. 542 - 551 (2011)
Yang, H.; Schmitt-Wagner, D.; Stingl, U.; Brune, A.: Niche heterogeneity determines bacterial community structure in the termite gut (Reticulitermes santonensis). Environmental Microbiology 7 (7), S. 916 - 932 (2005)
Schmitt-Wagner, D.; Friedrich, M. W.; Wagner, B.; Brune, A.: Axial dynamics, stability, and interspecies similarity of bacterial community structure in the highly compartmentalized gut of soil-feeding termites (Cubitermes spp.). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (10), S. 6018 - 6024 (2003)
Schmitt-Wagner, D.; Friedrich, M. W.; Wagner, B.; Brune, A.: Phylogenetic diversity, abundance, and axial distribution of bacteria in the intestinal tract of two soil-feeding termites (Cubitermes spp.). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (10), S. 6007 - 6017 (2003)
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