Publikationen von J. Mock

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Mock, J.; Zheng, Y.; Mueller, A.; Ly, S.; Tran, L.; Segovia, S.; Nagaraju, S.; Kopke, M.; Durre, P.; Thauer, R.: Energy conservation associated with ethanol formation from H2 and CO2 in Clostridium autoethanogenum involving electron bifurcation. Journal of Bacteriology 197 (18), S. 2965 - 2980 (2015)
Mock, J.; Wang, S.; Huang, H.; Kahnt, J.; Thauer, R.: Evidence for a hexaheteromeric methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase in Moorella thermoacetica. Journal of Bacteriology 196 (18), S. 3303 - 3314 (2014)
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