Publikationen von M. Kim

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Kim, M.; Le, H.; Xie, X.; Feng, X.; Tang, Y.; Mouttaki, H.; McInerney, M.; Buckel, W.: Two Pathways for Glutamate Biosynthesis in the Syntrophic Bacterium Syntrophus aciditrophicus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (24), S. 8434 - 8444 (2015)
Persat, A.; Nadell, C.; Kim, M.; Ingremeau, F.; Siryaporn, A.; Drescher, K.; Wingreen, N.; Bassler, B.; Gitai, Z.; Stone, H.: The Mechanical World of Bacteria. Cell 161 (5), S. 988 - 997 (2015)
Kim, M.; Le, H.; McInerney, M. J.; Buckel, W.: Identification and Characterization of Re-Citrate Synthase in Syntrophus aciditrophicus. Journal of Bacteriology 195 (8), S. 1689 - 1696 (2013)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Kim, M.: Exploring the biosynthetic pathways of glutamate and benzoate in Syntrophus aciditrophicus. Dissertation, Philipps Universität, Marburg (2011)
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