Publikationen von Daniel Gleditzsch

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Gleditzsch, D.; Pausch, P.; Mueller-Esparza, H.; Özcan, A.; Guo, X.; Bange, G.; Randau, L.: PAM identification by CRISPR-Cas effector complexes: diversified mechanisms and structures. RNA BIOLOGY 16 (4), S. 504 - 517 (2019)
Gleditzsch, D.; Pausch, P.; Müller-Esparza, H.; Özcan, A.; Guo, X.; Bange, G.; Randau, L.: PAM identification by CRISPR-Cas effector complexes: diversified mechanisms and structures. RNA Biol. 18, 14, S. 1 (2018)
Pausch, P.; Muller-Esparza, H.; Gleditzsch, D.; Altegoer, F.; Randau, L.; Bange, G.: Structural Variation of Type I-F CRISPR RNA Guided DNA Surveillance. Molecular Cell 67 (4), S. 622 - 632 (2017)
Gleditzsch, D.; Müller-Esparza, H.; Pausch, P.; Sharma, K.; Dwarakanath, S.; Urlaub, H.; Bange, G.; Randau, L.: Modulating the Cascade architecture of a minimal Type I-F CRISPR-Cas system. Nucleic Acids Research 44 (12), S. 5872 - 5882 (2016)
Dwarakanath, S.; Brenzinger, S.; Gleditzsch, D.; Plagens, A.; Klingl, A.; Thormann, K.; Randau, L.: Interference activity of a minimal Type I CRISPR-Cas system from Shewanella putrefaciens. Nucleic Acids Research 43 (18), S. 8913 - 8923 (2015)

Hochschulschrift - Master (1)

Hochschulschrift - Master
Gleditzsch, D.: Characterization of a minimal Type I CRISPR-Cas interference complex. Master, Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2015)
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