Publikationen von R. Fischer

Zeitschriftenartikel (21)

Mander, G. J.; Wang, H. M.; Bodie, E.; Wagner, J.; Vienken, K.; Vinuesa, C.; Foster, C.; Leeder, A. C.; Allen, G.; Hamill, V. et al.; Janssen, G. G.; Dunn-Coleman, N.; Karos, M.; Lemaire, H. G.; Subkowski, T.; Bollschweiler, C.; Turner, G.; Nusslein, B.; Fischer, R.: Use of laccase as a novel, versatile reporter system in filamentous fungi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (7), S. 5020 - 5026 (2006)
Vienken, K.; Fischer, R.: The Zn(II)(2)Cys(6) putative transcription factor NosA controls fruiting body formation in Aspergillus nidulans. Molecular Microbiology 61 (2), S. 544 - 554 (2006)
Galagan, J. E.; Calvo, S. E.; Cuomo, C.; Ma, L. J.; Wortman, J. R.; Batzoglou, S.; Lee, S. I.; Basturkmen, M.; Spevak, C. C.; Clutterbuck, J. et al.; Kapitonov, V.; Jurka, J.; Scazzocchio, C.; Farman, M.; Butler, J.; Purcell, S.; Harris, S.; Braus, G. H.; Draht, O.; Busch, S.; D'Enfert, C.; Bouchier, C.; Goldman, G. H.; Bell-Pedersen, D.; Griffiths-Jones, S.; Doonan, J. H.; Yu, J.; Vienken, K.; Pain, A.; Freitag, M.; Selker, E. U.; Archer, D. B.; Penalva, M. A.; Oakley, B. R.; Momany, M.; Tanaka, T.; Kumagai, T.; Asai, K.; Machida, M.; Nierman, W. C.; Denning, D. W.; Caddick, M.; Hynes, M.; Paoletti, M.; Fischer, R.; Miller, B.; Dyer, P.; Sachs, M. S.; Osmani, S. A.; Birren, B. W.: Sequencing of Aspergillus nidulans and comparative analysis with A-fumigatus and A-oryzae. Nature 438 (7071), S. 1105 - 1115 (2005)
Nierman, W. C.; Pain, A.; Anderson, M. J.; Wortman, J. R.; Kim, H. S.; Arroyo, J.; Berriman, M.; Abe, K.; Archer, D. B.; Bermejo, C. et al.; Bennett, J.; Bowyer, P.; Chen, D.; Collins, M.; Coulsen, R.; Davies, R.; Dyer, P. S.; Farman, M.; Fedorova, N.; Fedorova, N.; Feldblyum, T. V.; Fischer, R.; Fosker, N.; Fraser, A.; Garcia, J. L.; Garcia, M. J.; Goble, A.; Goldman, G. H.; Gomi, K.; Griffith-Jones, S.; Gwilliam, R.; Haas, B.; Haas, H.; Harris, D.; Horiuchi, H.; Huang, J.; Humphray, S.; Jimenez, J.; Keller, N.; Khouri, H.; Kitamoto, K.; Kobayashi, T.; Konzack, S.; Kulkarni, R.; Kumagai, T.; Lafton, A.; Latge, J. P.; Li, W. X.; Lord, A.; Majoros, W. H.; May, G. S.; Miller, B. L.; Mohamoud, Y.; Molina, M.; Monod, M.; Mouyna, I.; Mulligan, S.; Murphy, L.; O'Neil, S.; Paulsen, I.; Penalva, M. A.; Pertea, M.; Price, C.; Pritchard, B. L.; Quail, M. A.; Rabbinowitsch, E.; Rawlins, N.; Rajandream, M. A.; Reichard, U.; Renauld, H.; Robson, G. D.; de Cordoba, S. R.; Rodriguez-Pena, J. M.; Ronning, C. M.; Rutter, S.; Salzberg, S. L.; Sanchez, M.; Sanchez-Ferrero, J. C.; Saunders, D.; Seeger, K.; Squares, R.; Squares, S.; Takeuchi, M.; Tekaia, F.; Turner, G.; de Aldana, C. R. V.; Weidman, J.; White, O.; Woodward, J.; Yu, J. H.; Fraser, C.; Galagan, J. E.; Asai, K.; Machida, M.; Hall, N.; Barrell, B.; Denning, D. W.: Genomic sequence of the pathogenic and allergenic filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Nature 438 (7071), S. 1151 - 1156 (2005)
Blumenstein, A.; Vienken, K.; Tasler, R.; Purschwitz, J.; Veith, D.; Frankenberg-Dinkel, N.; Fischer, R.: The Aspergillus nidulans phytochrome FphA represses sexual development in red light. Current Biology 15 (20), S. 1833 - 1838 (2005)
Veith, D.; Scherr, N.; Efimov, V. P.; Fischer, R.: Role of the spindle-pole-body protein ApsB and the cortex protein ApsA in microtubule organization and nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans. Journal of Cell Science 118 (16), S. 3705 - 3716 (2005)
Konzack, S.; Rischitor, P. E.; Enke, C.; Fischer, R.: The role of the kinesin motor KipA in microtubule organization and polarized growth of Aspergillus nidulans. Molecular Biology of the Cell 16 (2), S. 497 - 506 (2005)
Vienken, K.; Scherer, M.; Fischer, R.: The Zn(II)(2)Cys(6) putative Aspergillus nidulans transcription factor repressor of sexual development inhibits sexual development under low-carbon conditions and in submersed culture. Genetics 169 (2), S. 619 - 630 (2005)
Rischitor, P. E.; Konzack, S.; Fischer, R.: The Kip3-like kinesin KipB moves along microtubules and determines spindle position during synchronized mitoses in Aspergillus nidulans hyphae. Eukaryotic Cell 3 (3), S. 632 - 645 (2004)
Toews, M. W.; Warmbold, J.; Konzack, S.; Rischitor, P.; Veith, D.; Vienken, K.; Vinuesa, C.; Wei, H.; Fischer, R.: Establishment of mRFP1 as a fluorescent marker in Aspergillus nidulans and construction of expression vectors for high-throughput protein tagging using recombination in vitro (GATEWAY). Current Genetics 45 (6), S. 383 - 389 (2004)
Breuninger, M.; Trujillo, C. G.; Serrano, E.; Fischer, R.; Requena, N.: Different nitrogen sources modulate activity but not expression of glutamine synthetase in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology 41 (5), S. 542 - 552 (2004)
Xiang, X.; Fischer, R.: Nuclear migration and positioning in filamentous fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology 41 (4), S. 411 - 419 (2004)
Wei, H. J.; Vienken, K.; Weber, R.; Bunting, S.; Requena, N.; Fischer, R.: A putative high affinity hexose transporter, hxtA, of Aspergillus nidulans is induced in vegetative hyphae upon starvation and in ascogenous hyphae during cleistothecium formation. Fungal Genetics and Biology 41 (2), S. 148 - 156 (2004)
Riquelme, M.; Fischer, R.; Bartnicki-Garcia, S.: Apical growth and mitosis are independent processes in Aspergillus nidulans. Protoplasma 222 (3-4), S. 211 - 215 (2003)
Zhang, J.; Li, S. H.; Fischer, R.; Xiang, X.: Accumulation of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin at microtubule plus ends in Aspergillus nidulans is kinesin dependent. Molecular Biology of the Cell 14 (4), S. 1479 - 1488 (2003)
Koch, K. V.; Fischer, R.: Deletion of mdmB impairs mitochondrial distribution and morphology in Aspergillus nidulans. European Journal of Cell Biology 82 (Suppl. Suppl. 53), S. 67 - 67 (2003)
Mertens, D.; Fischer, R.: Nuclei can migrate along microtubules in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. European Journal of Cell Biology 82 (Suppl. Suppl. 53), S. 69 - 70 (2003)
Wei, H. J.; Requena, N.; Fischer, R.: The MAPKK kinase SteC regulates conidiophore morphology and is essential for heterokaryon formation and sexual development in the homothallic fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Molecular Microbiology 47 (6), S. 1577 - 1588 (2003)
Zhang, J.; Li, S.; Fischer, R.; Xiang, X.: The accumulation of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin at microtubule plus-ends is kinesin dependent. Molecular Biology of the Cell 13, S. 334A - 334A (2002)
Scherer, M.; Wei, H. J.; Liese, R.; Fischer, R.: Aspergillus nidulans catalase-peroxidase gene (cpeA) is transcriptionally induced during sexual development through the transcription factor StuA. Eukaryotic Cell 1 (5), S. 725 - 735 (2002)
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