Publikationen von R. Conrad

Zeitschriftenartikel (286)

Conrad, R.; Claus, P.; Chidthaisong, A.; Lu, Y.; Scavino, A.; Liu, Y.; Angel, R.; Galand, P.; Casper, P.; Guerin, F. et al.; Enrich-Prast, A.: Stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry of propionate and acetate in methanogenic soils and lake sediments. Organic Geochemistry 73, S. 1 - 7 (2014)
Wu, Y.; Conrad, R.: Ammonia oxidation-dependent growth of group I. 1b Thaumarchaeota in acidic red soil microcosms. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 89 (1), S. 127 - 134 (2014)
Conrad, R.; Ji, Y.; Noll, M.; Klose, M.; Claus, P.; Enrich-Prast, A.: Response of the methanogenic microbial communities in Amazonian oxbow lake sediments to desiccation stress. Environmental Microbiology 16 (6 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 1682 - 1694 (2014)
Yvon-Durocher, G.; Allen, A.; Bastviken, D.; Conrad, R.; Gudasz, C.; St-Pierre, A.; Thanh-Duc, N.; del Giorgio, P.: Methane fluxes show consistent temperature dependence across microbial to ecosystem scales. Nature 507 (7493), S. 488 - 491 (2014)
Greening, C.; Berney, M.; Hards, K.; Cook, G.; Conrad, R.: A soil actinobacterium scavenges atmospheric H2 using two membrane-associated, oxygen-dependent [NiFe] hydrogenases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (11), S. 4257 - 4261 (2014)
Hernandez, M.; Dumont, M.; Calabi, M.; Basualto, D.; Conrad, R.: Ammonia oxidizers are pioneer microorganisms in the colonization of new acidic volcanic soils from South of Chile. Environmental Microbiology Reports 6 (1), S. 70 - 79 (2014)
Frohlich-Nowoisky, J.; Nespoli, C.; Pickersgill, D.; Galand, P.; Muller-Germann, I.; Nunes, T.; Cardoso, J.; Almeida, S.; Pio, C.; Andreae, M. et al.; Conrad, R.; Poschl, U.; Despres, V.: Diversity and seasonal dynamics of airborne archaea. Biogeosciences 11 (21), S. 6067 - 6079 (2014)
Ke, X.; Lu, Y.; Conrad, R.: Different behaviour of methanogenic archaea and Thaumarchaeota in rice field microcosms. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 87 (1), S. 18 - 29 (2014)
Yuan, Q.; Pump, J.; Conrad, R.: Straw application in paddy soil enhances methane production also from other carbon sources. Biogeosciences 11 (2), S. 237 - 246 (2014)
Angel, R.; Conrad, R.: Elucidating the microbial resuscitation cascade in biological soil crusts following a simulated rain event. Environmental Microbiology 15 (10), S. 2799 - 2815 (2013)
Angel, R.; Pasternak, Z.; Soares, M. I. M.; Conrad, R.; Gillor, O.: Active and total prokaryotic communities in dryland soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 86 (1 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 130 - 138 (2013)
Fernandez Scavino, A.; Ji, Y.; Pump, J.; Klose, M.; Claus, P.; Conrad, R.: Structure and function of the methanogenic microbial communities in Uruguayan soils shifted between pasture and irrigated rice fields. Environmental Microbiology 15 (9 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 2588 - 2602 (2013)
Gorres, C. M.; Conrad, R.; Petersen, S. O.: Effect of soil properties and hydrology on Archaeal community composition in three temperate grasslands on peat. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 85 (2), S. 227 - 240 (2013)
Ke, X. B.; Angel, R.; Lu, Y. H.; Conrad, R.: Niche differentiation of ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers in rice paddy soil. Environmental Microbiology 15 (8), S. 2275 - 2292 (2013)
Ma, K.; Conrad, R.; Lu, Y. H.: Dry/Wet Cycles Change the Activity and Population Dynamics of Methanotrophs in Rice Field Soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (16), S. 4932 - 4939 (2013)
Liu, Y. Q.; Yao, T. D.; Gleixner, G.; Claus, P.; Conrad, R.: Methanogenic pathways, C-13 isotope fractionation, and archaeal community composition in lake sediments and wetland soils on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 118 (2), S. 650 - 664 (2013)
Wu, Y. C.; Ke, X. B.; Hernandez, M.; Wang, B. Z.; Dumont, M. G.; Jia, Z. J.; Conrad, R.: Autotrophic Growth of Bacterial and Archaeal Ammonia Oxidizers in Freshwater Sediment Microcosms Incubated at Different Temperatures. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (9), S. 3076 - 3084 (2013)
Blaser, M. B.; Dreisbach, L. K.; Conrad, R.: Carbon Isotope Fractionation of 11 Acetogenic Strains Grown on H2 and CO2. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (6), S. 1787 - 1794 (2013)
Aschenbach, K.; Conrad, R.; Řeháková, K.; Doležal, J.; Janatková, K.; Angel, R.: Methanogens at the top of the world: occurrence and potential activity of methanogens in newly deglaciated soils in high-altitude cold deserts in the Western Himalayas. Frontiers in Microbiology 359, 4 (2013)
Yuang, Q.; Pump, J.; Conrad, R.: Straw application in paddy soil enhances methane production also from other carbon sources. Biogeosciences Discuss 10, S. 14169 - 14193 (2013)
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