Publikationen von J. Heyer

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Heyer, J.; Berger, U.; Hardt, M.; Dunfield, P.: Methylohalobius crimeensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a moderately halophilic, methanotrophic bacterium isolated from hypersaline lakes of Crimea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55, S. 1817 - 1826 (2005)
Dedysh, S.; Dunfield, P.; Derakshani, M.; Stubner, S.; Heyer, J.; Liesack, W.: Differential detection of type II methanotrophic bacteria in acidic peatlands using newly developed 16S rRNA-targeted fluorescent oligonucleotide probes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 43, S. 299 - 308 (2003)
Heyer, J.; Galchenko, V. F.; Dunfield, P. F.: Molecular phylogeny of type II methane-oxidizing bacteria isolated from various environments. Microbiology-SGM 148, S. 2831 - 2846 (2002)
Horz, H. P.; Raghubanshi, A. S.; Heyer, J.; Kammann, C.; Conrad, R.; Dunfield, P. F.: Activity and community structure of methane-oxidising bacteria in a wet meadow soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 41 (3), S. 247 - 257 (2002)
Dunfield, P. F.; Yimga, M. T.; Dedysh, S. N.; Berger, U.; Liesack, W.; Heyer, J.: Isolation of a Methylocystis strain containing a novel pmoA- like gene. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 41 (1), S. 17 - 26 (2002)
Heyer, J.; Berger, U.; Kuzin, I. L.; Yakovlev, O. N.: Methane emissions from different ecosystem structures of the subarctic tundra in Western Siberia during midsummer and during the thawing period. Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (3), S. 231 - 249 (2002)
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