Publikationen von Knut Drescher

Zeitschriftenartikel (41)

Jelli, E.; Ohmura, T.; Netter, N.; Abt, M.; Jimenez-Siebert, E.; Neuhaus, K.; Rode, D. K. H.; Nadell, C. D.; Drescher, K.: Single-cell segmentation in bacterial biofilms with an optimized deep learning method enables tracking of cell lineages and measurements of growth rates. Molecular Microbiology 119 (6), S. 659 - 676 (2023)
Teschler, J. K.; Jimenez-Siebert, E.; Jeckel, H.; Singh, P. K.; Park, J. H.; Pukatzki, S.; Nadell, C. D.; Drescher, K.; Yildiz, F. H.: VxrB influences antagonism within biofilms by controlling competition through extracellular matrix production and type 6 secretion. mBio 13 (4), e0188522 (2022)
Bond, M. C.; Vidakovic, L.; Singh, P. K.; Drescher, K.; Nadell, C. D.: Matrix-trapped viruses can prevent invasion of bacterial biofilms by colonizing cells. eLife 10, e65355 (2021)
Yordanov, S.; Neuhaus, K.; Hartmann, R.; Diaz-Pascual, F.; Vidakovic, L.; Singh, P. K.; Drescher, K.: Single-objective high-resolution confocal light sheet fluorescence microscopy for standard biological sample geometries. Biomedical Optics Express 12 (6), S. 3372 - 3391 (2021)
Jeckel, H.; Drescher, K.: Advances and opportunities in image analysis of bacterial cells and communities. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 45 (4), fuaa062 (2021)
Wimmi, S.; Balinovic, A.; Jeckel, H.; Selinger, L.; Lampaki, D.; Eisemann, E.; Meuskens, I.; Linke, D.; Drescher, K.; Endesfelder, U. et al.; Diepold, A.: Dynamic relocalization of cytosolic type III secretion system components prevents premature protein secretion at low external pH. Nature Communications 12 (1), 1625 (2021)
Hartmann, R.; Jeckel, H.; Jelli, E.; Singh, P. K.; Vaidya, S.; Bayer, M.; Rode, D. K. H.; Vidakovic, L.; Diaz-Pascual, F.; Fong, J. C. N. et al.; Drago, A.; Lamprecht, O.; Thoeming, J. G.; Netter, N.; Haussler, S.; Nadell, C. D.; Sourjik, V.; Kovacs, A. T.; Yildiz, F. H.; Drescher, K.: Quantitative image analysis of microbial communities with BiofilmQ. Nature Microbiology 6 (2), S. 151 - 156 (2021)
Maestre-Reyna, M.; Huang, W.-C.; Wu, W.-J.; Singh, P. K.; Hartmann, R.; Wang, P.-H.; Lee, C.-C.; Hikima, T.; Yamamoto, M.; Bessho, Y. et al.; Drescher, K.; Tsai, M.-D.; Wang, A. H.-J.: Vibrio cholerae biofilm scaffolding protein RbmA shows an intrinsic, phosphate-dependent autoproteolysis activity. IUBMB Life 73 (2), S. 418 - 431 (2021)
Skinner, D. J.; Song, B.; Jeckel, H.; Jelli, E.; Drescher, K.; Dunkel, J.: Topological metric detects hidden order in disordered media. Physical Review Letters 126 (4), 048101 (2021)
Wong, G. C. L.; Antani, J. D.; Lele, P.; Chen, J.; Nan, B.; Kühn, M. J.; Persat, A.; Bru, J.-L.; Høyland-Kroghsbo, N. M.; Siryaporn, A. et al.; Conrad, J.; Carrara, F.; Yawata, Y.; Stocker, R.; Brun, Y.; Whitfield, G.; Lee, C.; de Anda, J.; Schmidt, W. C.; Golestanian, R.; O'Toole, G. A.; Floyd, K.; Yildiz, F.; Yang, S.; Jin, F.; Toyofuku, M.; Eberl, L.; Nobuhiko, N.; Zacharoff, L.; El-Naggar, M. Y.; Yalcin, S. E.; Malvankar, N.; Rojas-Andrade, M. D.; Hochbaum, A.; Yan, J.; Stone, H. A.; Wingreen, N. S.; Bassler, B.; Wu, Y.; Xu, H.; Drescher, K.; Dunkel, J.: Roadmap on emerging concepts in the physical biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to community formation. Physical Biology 18 (5), 051501 (2021)
Diaz-Pascual, F.; Lempp, M.; Nosho, K.; Jeckel, H.; Jo, J. K.; Neuhaus, K.; Hartmann, R.; Jelli, E.; Hansen, M. F.; Price-Whelan, A. et al.; Dietrich, L. E.; Link, H.; Drescher, K.: Spatial alanine metabolism determines local growth dynamics of Escherichia coli colonies. eLife, 10:e70794 (2021)
Wimmi, S.; Balinovic, A.; Jeckel, H.; Selinger, L.; Lampaki, D.; Eisemann, E.; Meuskens, I.; Linke, D.; Drescher, K.; Endesfelder, U. et al.; Diepold, A.: Author Correction: Dynamic relocalization of cytosolic type III secretion system components prevents premature protein secretion at low external pH. Nature Communications 12 (1), S. 2685 - 2685 (2021)
Ishikawa, T.; Pedley, T. J.; Drescher, K.; Goldstein, R. E.: Stability of dancing Volvox. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 903, A11 (2020)
Rode, D. K. H.; Singh, P. K.; Drescher, K.: Multicellular and unicellular responses of microbial biofilms to stress. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 401 (12), S. 1365 - 1374 (2020)
Schwechheimer, C.; Hebert, K.; Tripathi, S.; Singh, P. K.; Floyd, K. A.; Brown, E. R.; Porcella, M. E.; Osorio, J.; Kiblen, J. T. M.; Pagliai, F. A. et al.; Drescher, K.; Rubin, S. M.; Yildiz, F. H.: A tyrosine phosphoregulatory system controls exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and biofilm formation in Vibrio cholerae. PLOS PATHOGENS 16 (8), e1008745 (2020)
Hartmann, R.; van Teeseling, M. C. F.; Thanbichler, M.; Drescher, K.: BacStalk: A comprehensive and interactive image analysis software tool for bacterial cell biology. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 114 (1), S. 140 - 150 (2020)
Simmons, E. L.; Bond, M. C.; Koskella, B.; Drescher, K.; Bucci, V.; Nadell, C. D.: Biofilm structure promotes coexistence of phage-resistant and phage-susceptible bacteria. mSystems 5 (3), e00877-19 (2020)
Brueckner, S.; Schubert, R.; Kraushaar, T.; Hartmann, R.; Hoffmann, D.; Jelli, E.; Drescher, K.; Mueller, D. J.; Essen, L. O.; Moesch, H.-U.: Kin discrimination in social yeast is mediated by cell surface receptors of the Flo11 adhesin family. eLife 9, e55587 (2020)
Gallego-Hernandez, A. L.; DePas, W. H.; Park, J. H.; Teschler, J. K.; Hartmann, R.; Jeckel, H.; Drescher, K.; Beyhan, S.; Newman, D. K.; Yildiz, F. H.: Upregulation of virulence genes promotes Vibrio cholerae biofilm hyperinfectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (20), S. 11010 - 11017 (2020)
Otto, S. B.; Martin, M.; Schaefer, D.; Hartmann, R.; Drescher, K.; Brix, S.; Dragos, A.; Kovacs, A. T.: Privatization of biofilm matrix in structurally heterogeneous biofilms. mSystems 5 (4), e00425-20 (2020)
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