
Publikationen von F. D. Müller

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Müller, F. D.; Schink, C. W.; Hoiczyk, E.; Cserti, E.; Higgs, P. I.: Spore formation in Myxococcus xanthus is tied to cytoskeleton functions and polysaccharide spore coat deposition. Molecular Microbiology 83 (3), S. 486 - 505 (2012)
Muller, F. D.; Treuner-Lange, A.; Heider, J.; Huntley, S. M.; Higgs, P. I.: Global transcriptome analysis of spore formation in Myxococcus xanthus reveals a locus necessary for cell differentiation. BMC Genomics 11, 264 (2010)

Buchkapitel (1)

Müller, F. D.; Jakobsen, J. S.: Myxococcus xanthus: Expression Analysis. In: Myxobacteria: Multicellularity and Differentiation, S. 479 - 489 (Hg. American Society for Microbiology). ASM Press, Washington (2008)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Müller, F.-D.: Analysis of the spore formation process in Myxococcus xanthus. Dissertation, Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2009)
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