Publikationen von Timo Glatter

Zeitschriftenartikel (96)

Fukada, F.; Roessel, N.; Muench, K.; Glatter, T.; Kahmann, R.: A small Ustilago maydis effector acts as a novel adhesin for hyphal aggregation in plant tumors. New Phytologist 231 (1), S. 416 - 431 (2021)
Ludwig, N.; Reissmann, S.; Schipper, K.; Gonzalez, C.; Assmann, D.; Glatter, T.; Moretti, M.; Ma, L.-S.; Rexer, K.-H.; Snetselaar, K. et al.; Kahmann, R.: A cell surface-exposed protein complex with an essential virulence function in Ustilago maydis. Nature Microbiology 6, S. 722 - 730 (2021)
Neubacher, N.; Tobias, N. J.; Huber, M.; Cai, X.; Glatter, T.; Pidot, S. J.; Stinear, T. P.; Lutticke, A. L.; Papenfort, K.; Bode, H. B.: Symbiosis, virulence and natural-product biosynthesis in entomopathogenic bacteria are regulated by a small RNA. Nat Microbiol 5 (12), S. 1481 - 1489 (2020)
Teteneva, N. A.; Mart'yanov V, S.; Esteban Lopéz, M.; Kahnt, J.; Glatter, T.; Netrusov I, A.; Plakunov, V. K.; Sourjik, V.: Multiple Drug-Induced Stress Responses Inhibit Formation of Escherichia coli Biofilms. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 86 (21), e01113-20 (2020)
Treuner-Lange, A.; Chang, Y.-W.; Glatter, T.; Herfurth, M.; Lindow, S.; Chreifi, G.; Jensen, G. J.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: PilY1 and minor pilins form a complex priming the type IVa pilus in Myxococcus xanthus. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 5054 (2020)
Freitas, C.; Glatter, T.; Ringgaard, S.: Specific proteomic adaptation to distinct environments in Vibrio parahaemolyticus includes significant fluctuations in expression of essential proteins. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 22 (10), S. 4279 - 4294 (2020)
Kreienbaum, M.; Doerrich, A. K.; Brandt, D.; Schmid, N. E.; Leonhard, T.; Hager, F.; Brenzinger, S.; Hahn, J.; Glatter, T.; Ruwe, M. et al.; Briegel, A.; Kalinowski, J.; Thormann, K. M.: Isolation and Characterization ofShewanellaPhage Thanatos Infecting and LysingShewanella oneidensisand Promoting Nascent Biofilm Formation. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 11, 573260 (2020)
Hakobyan, A.; Zhu, J.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Liesack, W.: Hydrogen utilization by Methylocystis sp. strain SC2 expands the known metabolic versatility of type IIa methanotrophs. METABOLIC ENGINEERING 61, S. 181 - 196 (2020)
Anders, A.; Ghosh, B.; Glatter, T.; Sourjik, V.: Design of a MAPK signalling cascade balances energetic cost versus accuracy of information transmission. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 3494 (2020)
Schramm, T.; Lempp, M.; Beuter, D.; Sierra González, S.; Glatter, T.; Link, H.: High-throughput enrichment of temperature-sensitive argininosuccinate synthetase for two-stage citrulline production in E. coli. METABOLIC ENGINEERING 60, S. 14 - 24 (2020)
Iyer, S. C.; Casas-Pastor, D.; Kraus, D.; Mann, P.; Schirner, K.; Glatter, T.; Fritz, G.; Ringgaard, S.: Transcriptional regulation by sigma factor phosphorylation in bacteria. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 5 (3), S. 395 - + (2020)
Freitas, C.; Glatter, T.; Ringgaard, S.: The release of a distinct cell type from swarm colonies facilitates dissemination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the environment. ISME JOURNAL 14 (1), S. 230 - 244 (2020)
Lampaki, D.; Diepold, A.; Glatter, T.: A Serial Sample Processing Strategy with Improved Performance for in-Depth Quantitative Analysis of Type III Secretion Events in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 19 (1), S. 543 - 553 (2020)
Schada v. Borzyskowsi, L.; Severi, F.; Krueger, K.; Hermann, L.; Gilardet, A.; Sippel, F.; Pommerenke, B.; Claus, P.; Cortina, N. S.; Glatter, T. et al.; Zauner, S.; Zarzycki, J.; Fuchs, B. M.; Bremer, E.; Maier, U. G.; Amann I, R.; Erb, T. J.: Marine Proteobacteria metabolize glycolate via the β-hydroxyaspartate cycle. NATURE 575 (7783), S. 500 - + (2019)
Hakobyan, A.; Schneider, M. B.; Liesack, W.; Glatter, T.: Efficient Tandem LysC/Trypsin Digestion in Detergent Conditions. PROTEOMICS 19 (20), 1900136 (2019)
Sander, T.; Wang, C.-Y.; Glatter, T.; Link, H.: CRISPRi-Based Downregulation of Transcriptional Feedback Improves Growth and Metabolism of Arginine Overproducing E. coli. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY 8 (9), S. 1983 - 1990 (2019)
Brenzinger, S.; van der Aart, L. T.; van Wezel, G. P.; Lacroix, J.-M.; Glatter, T.; Briegel, A.: Structural and Proteomic Changes in Viable but Non-culturable Vibrio cholerae. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 10, 793 (2019)
Gomez-Santos, N.; Glatter, T.; Koebnik, R.; Swiatek-Polatynska, M. A.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: A TonB-dependent transporter is required for secretion of protease PopC across the bacterial outer membrane. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 10, 1360 (2019)
Liccardi, G.; Garcia, L. R.; Tenev, T.; Annibaldi, A.; Legrand, A. J.; Robertson, D.; Feltham, R.; Anderton, H.; Darding, M.; Peltzer, N. et al.; Dannappel, M.; Schunke, H.; Fava, L. L.; Haschka, M. D.; Glatter, T.; Nesvizhskii, A.; Schmidt, A.; Harris, P. A.; Bertin, J.; Gough, P. J.; Villunger, A.; Silke, J.; Pasparakis, M.; Bianchi, K.; Meier, P.: RIPK1 and Caspase-8 Ensure Chromosome Stability Independently of Their Role in Cell Death and Inflammation. MOLECULAR CELL 73 (3), S. 413 - + (2019)
Han, X.; Altegoer, F.; Steinchen, W.; Binnebesel, L.; Schuhmacher, J.; Glatter, T.; Giammarinaro, P. I.; Djamei, A.; Rensing, S. A.; Reissmann, S. et al.; Kahmann, R.; Bange, G.: A kiwellin disarms the metabolic activity of a secreted fungal virulence factor. NATURE 565 (7741), S. 650 - + (2019)
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