Publikationen von V. Sourjik

Zeitschriftenartikel (118)

Neumann, S.; Grosse, K.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotactic signaling via carbohydrate phosphotransferase systems in Escherichia coli. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 (30), S. 12159 - 64 (2012)
Lan, G.; Sartori, P.; Neumann, S.; Sourjik, V.; Tu, Y.: The energy-speed-accuracy tradeoff in sensory adaptation. Nat Phys 8 (5), S. 422 - 428 (2012)
Kumar, M.; Sourjik, V.: Physical map and dynamics of the chaperone network in Escherichia coli. Mol Microbiol 84 (4), S. 736 - 47 (2012)
Steuer, R.; Waldherr, S.; Sourjik, V.; Kollmann, M.: Robust signal processing in living cells. PLoS Comput Biol 7 (11), S. e1002218 (2012)
Zarbiv, G.; Li, H.; Wolf, A.; Cecchini, G.; Caplan, S. R.; Sourjik, V.; Eisenbach, M.: Energy complexes are apparently associated with the switch-motor complex of bacterial flagella. J Mol Biol 416 (2), S. 192 - 207 (2012)
Schulmeister, S.; Grosse, K.; Sourjik, V.: Effects of receptor modification and temperature on dynamics of sensory complexes in Escherichia coli chemotaxis. BMC Microbiol 11, S. 222 (2011)
Oleksiuk, O.; Jakovljevic, V.; Vladimirov, N.; Carvalho, R.; Paster, E.; Ryu, W. S.; Meir, Y.; Wingreen, N. S.; Kollmann, M.; Sourjik, V.: Thermal robustness of signaling in bacterial chemotaxis. Cell 145 (2), S. 312 - 21 (2011)
Khursigara, C. M.; Lan, G.; Neumann, S.; Wu, X.; Ravindran, S.; Borgnia, M. J.; Sourjik, V.; Milne, J.; Tu, Y.; Subramaniam, S.: Lateral density of receptor arrays in the membrane plane influences sensitivity of the E. coli chemotaxis response. EMBO J 30 (9), S. 1719 - 29 (2011)
Lan, G.; Schulmeister, S.; Sourjik, V.; Tu, Y.: Adapt locally and act globally: strategy to maintain high chemoreceptor sensitivity in complex environments. Mol Syst Biol 7, S. 475 (2011)
Kuhn, P.; Weiche, B.; Sturm, L.; Sommer, E.; Drepper, F.; Warscheid, B.; Sourjik, V.; Koch, H. G.: The bacterial SRP receptor, SecA and the ribosome use overlapping binding sites on the SecY translocon. Traffic 12 (5), S. 563 - 78 (2011)
Li, H.; Sourjik, V.: Assembly and stability of flagellar motor in Escherichia coli. Mol Microbiol 80 (4), S. 886 - 99 (2011)
Di Ventura, B.; Sourjik, V.: Self-organized partitioning of dynamically localized proteins in bacterial cell division. Mol Syst Biol 7, S. 457 (2011)
Meir, Y.; Jakovljevic, V.; Oleksiuk, O.; Sourjik, V.; Wingreen, N. S.: Precision and kinetics of adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis. Biophys J 99 (9), S. 2766 - 74 (2010)
Hansen, C. H.; Sourjik, V.; Wingreen, N. S.: A dynamic-signaling-team model for chemotaxis receptors in Escherichia coli. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107 (40), S. 17170 - 5 (2010)
Neumann, S.; Hansen, C. H.; Wingreen, N. S.; Sourjik, V.: Differences in signalling by directly and indirectly binding ligands in bacterial chemotaxis. EMBO J 29 (20), S. 3484 - 95 (2010)
Stohr, K.; Siegberg, D.; Ehrhard, T.; Lymperopoulos, K.; Oz, S.; Schulmeister, S.; Pfeifer, A. C.; Bachmann, J.; Klingmuller, U.; Sourjik, V. et al.; Herten, D. P.: Quenched substrates for live-cell labeling of SNAP-tagged fusion proteins with improved fluorescent background. Anal Chem 82 (19), S. 8186 - 93 (2010)
Clausznitzer, D.; Oleksiuk, O.; Lovdok, L.; Sourjik, V.; Endres, R. G.: Chemotactic response and adaptation dynamics in Escherichia coli. PLoS Comput Biol 6 (5), S. e1000784 (2010)
Vladimirov, N.; Lebiedz, D.; Sourjik, V.: Predicted auxiliary navigation mechanism of peritrichously flagellated chemotactic bacteria. PLoS Comput Biol 6 (3), S. e1000717 (2010)
Boehm, A.; Kaiser, M.; Li, H.; Spangler, C.; Kasper, C. A.; Ackermann, M.; Kaever, V.; Sourjik, V.; Roth, V.; Jenal, U.: Second messenger-mediated adjustment of bacterial swimming velocity. Cell 141 (1), S. 107 - 16 (2010)
Kumar, M.; Mommer, M. S.; Sourjik, V.: Mobility of cytoplasmic, membrane, and DNA-binding proteins in Escherichia coli. Biophys J 98 (4), S. 552 - 9 (2010)
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