Publikationen von V. Sourjik

Zeitschriftenartikel (118)

Sourjik, V.; Vorholt, J.: Bacterial Networks in Cells and Communities. Journal of Molecular Biology 427 (23 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 3785 - 3792 (2015)
Reyes-Darias, J.; Garcia, V.; Rico-Jimenez, M.; Corral-Lugo, A.; Lesouhaitier, O.; Juarez-Hernandez, D.; Yang, Y.; Bi, S.; Feuilloley, M.; Munoz-Rojas, J. et al.; Sourjik, V.; Krell, T.: Specific gamma-aminobutyrate chemotaxis in pseudomonads with different lifestyle. Molecular Microbiology 97 (3), S. 488 - 501 (2015)
Yang, Y.; Pollard, A. M.; Hofler, C.; Poschet, G.; Wirtz, M.; Hell, R.; Sourjik, V.: Relation between chemotaxis and consumption of amino acids in bacteria. Molecular Microbiology 96 (6), S. 1272 - 1282 (2015)
Reyes-Darias, J.; Yang, Y.; Sourjik, V.; Krell, T.: Correlation between signal input and output in PctA and PctB amino acid chemoreceptor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Molecular Microbiology 96 (3), S. 513 - 525 (2015)
Wille, T.; Barlag, B.; Jakovljevic, V.; Hensel, M.; Sourjik, V.; Gerlach, R.: A Gateway-Based System for Fast Evaluation of Protein-Protein Interactions in Bacteria. PLoS ONE 10 (4), e0123646 (2015)
Krembel, A.; Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Importance of Multiple Methylation Sites in Escherichia coli Chemotaxis. PLOS ONE 10 (12), e0145582 (2015)
Krembel, A.; Neumann, S.; Sourjik, V.: Universal Response-Adaptation Relation in Bacterial Chemotaxis. Journal of Bacteriology 197 (2), S. 307 - 313 (2015)
Clausznitzer, D.; Micali, G.; Neumann, S.; Sourjik, V.; Endres, R.: Predicting Chemical Environments of Bacteria from Receptor Signaling. PLoS Computational Biology 10 (10), e1003870 (2014)
Bubendorfer, S.; Koltai, M.; Rossmann, F.; Sourjik, V.; Thormann, K.: Secondary bacterial flagellar system improves bacterial spreading by increasing the directional persistence of swimming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (31), S. 11485 - 11490 (2014)
Sourjik, V.; Metallo, C.: Editorial overview: Systems biology: Advances in multi-scale systems biology applications. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 28, S. VI - VIII (2014)
Neumann, S.; Lovdok, L.; Bentele, K.; Meisig, J.; Ullner, E.; Paldy, F.; Sourjik, V.; Kollmann, M.: Exponential Signaling Gain at the Receptor Level Enhances Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Bacterial Chemotaxis. PLoS ONE 9 (4), e87815 (2014)
Neumann, S.; Vladimirov, N.; Krembel, A.; Wingreen, N.; Sourjik, V.: Imprecision of Adaptation in Escherichia coli Chemotaxis. PLoS ONE 9 (1), e84904 (2014)
Sommer, E.; Koler, M.; Frank, V.; Sourjik, V.; Vaknin, A.: The sensory histidine kinases TorS and EvgS tend to form clusters in Escherichia coli cells. PLoS One 8 (10), S. e77708 (2013)
Wille, T.; Wagner, C.; Mittelstadt, W.; Blank, K.; Sommer, E.; Malengo, G.; Dohler, D.; Lange, A.; Sourjik, V.; Hensel, M. et al.; Gerlach, R. G.: SiiA and SiiB are novel type I secretion system subunits controlling SPI4-mediated adhesion of Salmonella enterica. Cell Microbiol 16 (2), S. 161 - 78 (2013)
Bi, S.; Yu, D.; Si, G.; Luo, C.; Li, T.; Ouyang, Q.; Jakovljevic, V.; Sourjik, V.; Tu, Y.; Lai, L.: Discovery of novel chemoeffectors and rational design of Escherichia coli chemoreceptor specificity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110 (42), S. 16814 - 9 (2013)
Di Ventura, B.; Knecht, B.; Andreas, H.; Godinez, W. J.; Fritsche, M.; Rohr, K.; Nickel, W.; Heermann, D. W.; Sourjik, V.: Chromosome segregation by the Escherichia coli Min system. Mol Syst Biol 9, S. 686 (2013)
Fernandez-Fernandez, C.; Grosse, K.; Sourjik, V.; Collier, J.: The beta-sliding clamp directs the localization of HdaA to the replisome in Caulobacter crescentus. Microbiology (Reading) 159 (Pt 11), S. 2237 - 2248 (2013)
Press, M. O.; Li, H.; Creanza, N.; Kramer, G.; Queitsch, C.; Sourjik, V.; Borenstein, E.: Genome-scale co-evolutionary inference identifies functions and clients of bacterial Hsp90. PLoS Genet 9 (7), S. e1003631 (2013)
Seyffer, F.; Kummer, E.; Oguchi, Y.; Winkler, J.; Kumar, M.; Zahn, R.; Sourjik, V.; Bukau, B.; Mogk, A.: Hsp70 proteins bind Hsp100 regulatory M domains to activate AAA+ disaggregase at aggregate surfaces. Nat Struct Mol Biol 19 (12), S. 1347 - 55 (2012)
Yang, Y.; Sourjik, V.: Opposite responses by different chemoreceptors set a tunable preference point in Escherichia coli pH taxis. Mol Microbiol 86 (6), S. 1482 - 9 (2012)
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