Publikationen von S. M. Murray

Zeitschriftenartikel (26)

Murray, S. M.; Panis, G.; Fumeaux, C.; Viollier, P. H.; Howard, M.: Computational and genetic reduction of a cell cycle to its simplest, primordial components. PLoS Biol 11 (12), S. e1001749 (2014)
Govaerts, J.; Murray, S.: Noncommuting coordinates and magnetic monopoles. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (1), 008 (2010)
Murray, S.; Ringeval, C.; Zonetti, S.: Graviton confinement inside hypermonopoles of any dimension. JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS (9), 015 (2010)
Brian P. Dolan; Idrish Huet; Murray, S.; Denjoe O'Connor: A universal Dirac operator and noncommutative spin bundles over fuzzy complex projective spaces. Journal of High Energy Physics (03) (2008)
Murray, S.; Sämann, C.: Quantization of flag manifolds and their supersymmetric extensions. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 12 (3), S. 641 - 710 (2008)
Dolan, B. P.; Huet, I.; Murray, S.; O'Connor, D.: Noncommutative vector bundles over fuzzy ℂℙN and their covariant derivatives. Journal of High Energy Physics (07) (2007)

Sonstige (1)

Huertgen, D.; Mascarenhas, J.; Heymann, M.; Murray, S. M.; Schwille, P.; Sourjik, V.: Cover Feature: Reconstitution and Coupling of DNA Replication and Segregation in a Biomimetic System (ChemBioChem 20/2019), SI 20, S. 2532 - 2532 (2019)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Murray, S.; Govaerts, J.: Noncommutative spherically symmetric spaces. Physical Review D 83 (2), S. 025009 (2011)

Preprint (11)

Köhler, R.; Murray, S. M.: Plasmid partitioning driven by collective migration of ParA between nucleoid lobes. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2023.10.16.562490 (2024)
Köhler, R. C.; Murray, S. M.: Putting the Par back into ParABS: Plasmid partitioning driven by ParA oscillations. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2023.10.16.562490 (2023)
Sadhir, I.; Murray, S. M.: Mid-cell migration of the chromosomal terminus is coupled to origin segregation in Escherichia coli. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2023.03.24.534095 (2023)
Subramanian, S.; Murray, S. M.: DNA bridging explains sub-diffusive movement of chromosomal loci in bacteria. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2022.11.18.517049 (2022)
Connolley, L.; Schnabel, L.; Thanbichler, M.; Murray, S. M.: Partition complex structure can arise from sliding and bridging of ParB dimers. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2022.12.01.518708 (2022)
Köhler, R.; Murray, S. M.: High-throughput imaging and quantitative analysis uncovers the nature of plasmid positioning by ParABS. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2022.03.29.486196 (2022)
Köhler, R.; Sadhir, I.; Murray, S. M.: ★Track: Inferred counting and tracking of replicating DNA loci. bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2022.12.05.519146 (2022)
Subramanian, S.; Murray, S. M.: Pattern selection in reaction diffusion systems. arXiv, arXiv.2005.07940 (2020)
Murray, S. M.; Howard, M.: Center Finding in E. coli and the Role of Mathematical Modeling: Past, Present and Future. arXiv (2019)
Guzzo, M.; Murray, S. M.; Martineau, E.; Lhospice, S.; Baronian, G.; My, L.; Zhang, Y.; Espinosa, L.; Vincentelli, R.; Bratton, B. P. et al.; Shaevitz, J. W.; Molle, V.; Howard, M.; Mignot, T.: A gated relaxation oscillator controls morphogenetic movements in bacteria. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 137695 (2017)
Huet, I.; Murray, S.: Polarization Tensors for the fuzzy Grassmannians GrF2;n and Grassmannian harmonics on Gr2;n. arXiv (2012)
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