Publikationen von R. Lill

Zeitschriftenartikel (47)

Bych, K.; Netz, D. J. A.; Vigani, G.; Bill, E.; Lill, R.; Pierik, A. J.; Balk, J.: The essential cytosolic iron-sulfur protein Nbp35 acts without Cfd1 partner in the green lineage. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 283, S. 35797 - 35804 (2008)
Gelling, C.; Dawes, I. W.; Richhardt, N.; Lill, R.; Mühlenhoff, U.: Mitochondrial Iba57p is required for Fe/S cluster formation on aconitase and activation of radical SAM enzymes. Molecular and Cellular Biology 28, S. 1851 - 1861 (2008)
Goldberg, A. V.; Molik, S.; Tsaousis, A. D.; Neumann, K.; Kuhnke, G.; Delbac, F.; Vivares, V. P.; Hirth, M. P.; Lill, R.; Embley, M.: Localization and functionality of microsporidian iron-sulphur cluster assembly proteins. Nature 452, S. 624 - 628 (2008)
Hausmann, A.; Samans, B.; Lill, R.; Mühlenhoff, U.: Cellular and mitochondrial remodeling upon defects in iron-sulfur protein biogenesis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 283, S. 8318 - 8330 (2008)
Lill, R.; Mühlenhoff, U.: Maturation of ironsulfur proteins in eukaryotes: Mechanisms, connected processes and diseases. Annual Review of Biochemistry 77, S. 669 - 770 (2008)
Miao, R.; Martinho, M.; Morales, J. G.; Kim, H.; Ellis, E. A.; Lill, R.; Hendrich, M. P.; Münck, E.; Lindahl, P. A.: EPR and Mössbauer spectroscopy of intact mitochondria isolated from Yah1p-depleted Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemistry 47, S. 9888 - 9899 (2008)
Stehling, O.; Netz, D. J. A.; Niggemeyer, B.; Rösser, R.; Eisenstein, R. S.; Puccio, H.; Pierik, A. J.; Lill, R.: Human Nbp35 is essential for both cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly and iron homeostasis. Molecular and Cellular Biology 28, S. 5517 - 5528 (2008)

Magazin-Artikel (1)

Lill, R.: Eisen-Schwefel-Protein-Biogenese: Was Mitochondrien essenziell macht. (2013)
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