Publikationen von Rudolf K. Thauer

Zeitschriftenartikel (212)

Forzi, L.; Hellwig, P.; Thauer, R. K.; Sawers, R. G.: The CO and CN- ligands to the active site Fe in [NiFe]-hydrogenase of Escherichia coli have different metabolic origins. FEBS Letters 581 (17), S. 3317 - 3321 (2007)
Li, F.; Hagemeier, C.; Seedorf, H.; Gottschalk, G.; Thauer, R. K.: Re-citrate synthase from Clostridium kluyveri is phylogenetically related to homocitrate synthase and isopropylmalate synthase rather than to Si-citrate synthase. Journal of Bacteriology 189 (11), S. 4299 - 4304 (2007)
Seedorf, H.; Hagemeier, C.; Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.; Warkentin, E.; Ermler, U.: Structure of coenzyme F420 H2 oxidase (FprA), a di-iron flavoprotein from methanogenic Archaea catalyzing the reduction of O2 to H2 O. The FEBS Journal 274, S. 1588 - 1599 (2007)
Hagemeier, C.; Krueer, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Warkentin, E.; Ermler, U.: Insight into the mechanism of biological methanol activation based on the crystal structure of the methanol-cobalamin methyltransferase complex. PNAS 103 (50), S. 18917 - 18922 (2006)
Seedorf, H.; Kahnt, J.; Pierik, A. J.; Thauer, R. K.: Heme biosynthesis in Methanosarcina barkeri via a pathway involving two methylation reactions. Journal of Bacteriology 188 (24), S. 8666 - 8668 (2006)
Krause, A.; Ramakumar, A.; Bartels, D.; Battistoni, F.; Bekel, T.; Boch, J.; Boehm, M.; Friedrich, F.; Hurek, T.; Krause, L. et al.; Linke, B.; McHardy, A.; Sarkar, A.; Schneiker, S.; Syed, A. A.; Thauer, R.; Vorhoelter, F.-J.; Weidner, S.; Puehler, A.; Reinhold-Hurek, B.; Kaiser, O.; Goesmann, A.: Complete genome of the mutualistic, N2-fixing grass endophyte Azoarcus sp. strain BH72. Nature Biotechnology 24, S. 1384 - 1390 (2006)
Korbas, M.; Vogt, S.; Meyer-Klaucke, W.; Bill, E.; Lyon, E.; Thauer, R. K.; Shima, S.: The Iron-Sulfur Cluster-free Hydrogenase (Hmd) Is a Metalloenzyme with a Novel Iron Binding Motif. Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (41), S. 30804 - 30813 (2006)
Hinderberger, D.; Piskorski, R.; Goenrich, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Schweiger, A.; Harmer, J.; Jaun, B.: A nickel-alkyl bond in an inactivated state of the enzyme catalyzing methane formation. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 45, S. 3602 - 07 (2006)
Pilak, O.; Mamat, B.; Vogt, S.; Hagemeier, C. H.; Thauer, R. K.; Shima, S.; Vonrhein, C.; Warkentin, E.; Ermler, U.: The crystal structure of the apoenzyme of the iron-sulphur cluster-free hydrogenase. Journal of Molecular Biology 358 (3), S. 798 - 809 (2006)
Acharya, P.; Eberhard, W.; Ulrich, E.; Rudolf, T.; Shima, S.: The Structure of Formylmethanofuran: Tetrahydromethanopterin Formyltransferase in Complex with its Coenzymes. Journal of Molecular Biology 357, S. 870 - 879 (2006)
Fricke, W. F.; Seedorf, H.; Henne, A.; Kruer, M.; Liesegang, H.; Hedderich, R.; Gottschalk, G.; Thauer, R. K.: The genome sequence of Methanosphaera stadtmanae reveals why this human intestinal archaeon is restricted to methanol and H2 for methane formation and ATP synthesis. Journal of Bacteriology 188 (2), S. 642 - 658 (2006)
Kato, N.; Yurimoto, H.; Thauer, R. K.: The physiological role of the ribulose monophosphate pathway in bacteria and archaea. BioScience, Biotechnology & Biochemistry 70, S. 10 - 21 (2006)
Harmer, J.; Finazzo, C.; Piskorski, R.; Bauer, C.; Jaun, B.; Duin, E. C.; Goenrich, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Van Doorslaer, S.; Schweiger, A.: Spin density and coenzyme M coordination geometry of the ox1 form of methyl-coenzyme M reductase: A pulse EPR study. Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (50), S. 17744 - 17755 (2005)
Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase and the anaerobic oxidation of methane in methanotrophic Archaea. Current Opinion in Microbiology 8 (6), S. 643 - 648 (2005)
Goenrich, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Yurimoto, H.; Kato, N.: Formaldehyde activating enzyme (Fae) and hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (Hps) in Methanosarcina barkeri: a possible function in ribose-5-phosphate biosynthesis. Archives of Microbiology 184 (1), S. 41 - 48 (2005)
Seedorf, H.; Kahnt, J.; Pierik, A. J.; Thauer, R. K.: Si-face stereospecificity at C5 of coenzyme F420 for F420H2 oxidase from methanogenic Archaea as determined by mass spectrometry. The FEBS Journal 272 (20), S. 5337 - 5342 (2005)
Goenrich, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Yurimoto, H.; Kato, N.: Formaldehyde activating enzyme (Fae) and hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (Hps) in Methanosarcina barkeri: a possible function in ribose-5-phosphate biosynthesis. Archives of Microbiology 184 (1), S. 41 - 48 (2005)
Shima, S.; Lyon, E. J.; Thauer, R. K.; Mienert, B.; Bill, E.: Mössbauer studies of the iron-sulfur cluster-free hydrogenase: The electronic state of the mononuclear Fe active site. Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (29), S. 10430 - 10435 (2005)
Aufhammer, S. W.; Warkentin, E.; Ermler, U.; Hagemeier, C. H.; Thauer, R. K.; Shima, S.: Crystal structure of methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase (Mer) in complex with coenzyme F420: Architecture of the F420/FMN binding site of enzymes within the nonprolyl cis-peptide containing bacterial luciferase family. Protein Science 14 (7), S. 1840 - 1849 (2005)
Goenrich, M.; Duin, E. C.; Mahlert, F.; Thauer, R. K.: Temperature dependence of methyl-coenzyme M reductase activity and of the formation of the methyl-coenzyme M reductase red2 state induced by coenzyme B. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 10 (4), S. 333 - 342 (2005)
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