Publikationen von M. G. Dumont

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Chen, Y.; Dumont, M. G.; Neufeld, J. D.; Bodrossy, L.; Stralis-Pavese, N.; McNamara, N. P.; Ostle, N.; Briones, M. J. I.; Murrell, J. C.: Revealing the uncultivated majority: combining DNA stable-isotope probing, multiple displacement amplification and metagenomic analyses of uncultivated Methylocystis in acidic peatlands. Environmental Microbiology 10, S. 2609 - 2622 (2008)
Neufeld, J.; Vohra, J.; Dumont, M. G.; Lueders, T.; Manefield, M.; Friedrich, M. W.; Murrell, J. C.: DNA stable-isotope probing. Nature Protocols 2, S. 860 - 866 (2007)

Buchkapitel (3)

Dumont, M.: Primers – functional marker genes for methylotrophs and methanotrophs. In: Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols, Springer Protocols Handbooks, S. 57 - 77. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2017)
Dumont, M. G.: Primers: Functional Marker Genes for Methylotrophs and Methanotrophs. In: Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbology Protocols, doi: 10.1007/8623_2014_23. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2014)
Chen, Y.; Dumont, M. G.; Neufeld, J. D.; Murrell, J. C.: Towards "focused metagenomics": a case study combining DNA stable-isotope probing, multiple displacement amplification, and metagenomics. In: Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology, S. 491 - 496. Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey (2011)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Hu, A.; Lu, Y.; Garcia, M. H.; Dumont, M. G.: Targeted Metatranscriptomics of Soil Microbial Communities with Stable Isotope Probing. In: STABLE ISOTOPE PROBING: METHODS AND PROTOCOLS, S. 163 - 174. (2019)
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