Publikationen von L. Sogaard-Andersen

Zeitschriftenartikel (144)

Schumacher, D.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Regulation of Cell Polarity in Motility and Cell Division in Myxococcus xanthus. ANNUAL REVIEW OF MICROBIOLOGY, VOL 71, S. 61 - 78 (2017)
Treuner-Lange, A.; Bruckskotten, M.; Rupp, M.; Goesmann, A.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: The complete genome sequence of the fruiting myxobacterium Melittangium boletus DSM 14713. Genome Announc. 5 (45), 45 e01262-17 (2017)
Skotnicka, D.; Smaldone, G.T.; Petters, T.; Trampari, E.; Liang, J.; Kaever, V.; Malone, J.G.; Singer, M.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: A Minimal Threshold of c-di-GMP Is Essential for Fruiting Body Formation and Sporulation in Myxococcus xanthus. PLoS Genetics 12 (5), e1006080 (2016)
Bischof, L.; Friedrich, C.; Harms, A.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; van der Does, C.: The Type IV Pilus Assembly ATPase PilB of Myxococcus xanthus Interacts with the Inner Membrane Platform Protein PilC and the Nucleotide-binding Protein PilM. Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (13), S. 6946 - 6957 (2016)
Chang, Y.-W.; Rettberg, L.A.; Treuner-Lange, A.; Iwasa, J.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Jensen, G.J.: Architecture of the type IVa pilus machine. Science 351 (6278), aad2001 (2016)
McLoon, A.L.; Wuichet, K.; Häsler, M.; Keilberg, D.; Szadkowski, D.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: MglC, a Paralog of Myxococcus xanthus GTPase-Activating Protein MglB, Plays a Divergent Role in Motility Regulation. Journal of Bacteriology 198 (3), S. 510 - 520 (2016)
Schaeper, S.; Krol, E.; Skotnicka, D.; Kaever, V.; Hilker, R.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Becker, A.: Cyclic Di-GMP Regulates Multiple Cellular Functions in the Symbiotic Alphaproteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti. Journal of Bacteriology 198 (3), S. 521 - 535 (2016)
Skotnicka, D.; Petters, T.; Heering, J.; Hoppert, M.; Kaever, V.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Cyclic Di-GMP Regulates Type IV Pilus-Dependent Motility in Myxococcus xanthus. Journal of Bacteriology 198 (1), S. 77 - 90 (2016)
Treuner-Lange, A.; Macia, E.; Guzzo, M.; Hot, E.; Faure, L.; Jakobczak, B.; Espinosa, L.; Alcor, D.; Ducret, A.; Keilberg, D. et al.; Castaing, J.; Gervais, S.; Franco, M.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Mignot, T.: The small G-protein MglA connects to the MreB actin cytoskeleton at bacterial focal adhesions. Journal of Cell Biology 210 (2), S. 243 - 256 (2015)
Jakobczak, B.; Keilberg, D.; Wuichet, K.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Contact- and Protein Transfer-Dependent Stimulation of Assembly of the Gliding Motility Machinery in Myxococcus xanthus. PLoS Genetics 11 (7), e1005341 (2015)
Rashkov, P.; Schmitt, B.; Keilberg, D.; Beck, K.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Dahlke, S.: A model for spatio-temporal dynamics in a regulatory network for cell polarity (vol 258, pg 189, 2014). Mathematical Biosciences 264, S. 145 - 145 (2015)
Lassak, J.; Keilhauer, E. C.; Fürst, M.; Wuichet, K.; Gödeke, J.; Starosta, A. L.; Chen, J.-M.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Rohr, J.; Wilson, D. N. et al.; Häussler, S.; Mann, M.; Jung, K.: Arginine-rhamnosylation as new strategy to activate translation elongation factor P. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 11 (4), S. 266 - 270 (2015)
Wuichet, K.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Evolution and diversity of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases in prokaryotes. Genome Biology and Evolution 7 (1), S. 57 - 70 (2014)
Jia, S.; Keilberg, D.; Hot, E.; Thanbichler, M.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Lenz, P.: Effect of the Min System on Timing of Cell Division in Escherichia coli. PLoS ONE 9 (8), e103863 (2014)
Treuner-Lange, A.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Regulation of cell polarity in bacteria. Journal of Cell Biology 206 (1), S. 7 - 17 (2014)
Chang, Y.; Chen, S.; Tocheva, E.; Treuner-Lange, A.; Loebach, S.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Jensen, G.: Correlated cryogenic photoactivated localization microscopy and cryo-electron tomography. Nature Methods 11 (7), S. 737 - 739 (2014)
Konovalova, A.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Kroos, L.: Regulated proteolysis in bacterial development. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 38 (3), S. 493 - 522 (2014)
Keilberg, D.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Regulation of Bacterial Cell Polarity by Small GTPases. Biochemistry 53 (12), S. 1899 - 1907 (2014)
Siewering, K.; Jain, S.; Friedrich, C.; Webber-Birungi, M.; Semchonok, D.; Binzen, I.; Wagner, A.; Huntley, S.; Kahnt, J.; Klingl, A. et al.; Boekema, E.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; van der Does, C.: Peptidoglycan-binding protein TsaP functions in surface assembly of type IV pili. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (10), S. E953 - E961 (2014)
Claessen, D.; Rozen, D.; Kuipers, O.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; van Wezel, G.: Bacterial solutions to multicellularity: a tale of biofilms, filaments and fruiting bodies. Nature Reviews Microbiology 12 (2), S. 115 - 124 (2014)
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