Publications of T. J. Erb

Journal Article (127)

Journal Article
Smejkalova, H.; Erb, T. J.; Fuchs, G.: Methanol assimilation in Methylobacterium extorquens AM1: demonstration of all enzymes and their regulation. PLoS One 5 (10) (2010)
Journal Article
Erb, T. J.; Frerichs-Revermann, L.; Fuchs, G.; Alber, B. E.: The apparent malate synthase activity of Rhodobacter sphaeroides is due to two paralogous enzymes, (3S)-Malyl-coenzyme A (CoA)/{beta}-methylmalyl-CoA lyase and (3S)- Malyl-CoA thioesterase. J Bacteriol 192 (5), pp. 1249 - 58 (2010)
Journal Article
Erb, T. J.; Fuchs, G.; Alber, B. E.: (2S)-Methylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase closes the ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway for acetyl-CoA assimilation. Mol Microbiol 73 (6), pp. 992 - 1008 (2009)
Journal Article
Erb, T. J.; Brecht, V.; Fuchs, G.; Muller, M.; Alber, B. E.: Carboxylation mechanism and stereochemistry of crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase, a carboxylating enoyl-thioester reductase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (22), pp. 8871 - 6 (2009)
Journal Article
Erb, T. J.; Retey, J.; Fuchs, G.; Alber, B. E.: Ethylmalonyl-CoA mutase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides defines a new subclade of coenzyme B12-dependent acyl-CoA mutases. J Biol Chem 283 (47), pp. 32283 - 93 (2008)
Journal Article
Erb, T. J.; Ismail, W.; Fuchs, G.: Phenylacetate metabolism in thermophiles: characterization of phenylacetate-CoA ligase, the initial enzyme of the hybrid pathway in Thermus thermophilus. Curr Microbiol 57 (1), pp. 27 - 32 (2008)
Journal Article
Erb, T. J.; Berg, I. A.; Brecht, V.; Muller, M.; Fuchs, G.; Alber, B. E.: Synthesis of C5-dicarboxylic acids from C2-units involving crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase: the ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104 (25), pp. 10631 - 6 (2007)

Magazine Article (5)

Magazine Article
Bernhardsgrütter, I.; Stoffel, G.; Erb, T. J.: Schöne neue Biologie? Synthetisch-biologische Ansätze zur CO2-Umwandlung. (2020)
Magazine Article
Böttcher, T.; Erb, T. J.: Die Zukunft der Synthetischen Biologie gemeinsam gestalten. (2018)
Magazine Article
Erb, T. J.: Stoffwechsel 2.0: Retrosynthese des mikrobiellen Metabolismus. (2017)
Magazine Article
Schwander, T.; Erb, T. J.: Do it your (path)way –synthetische Wege zur CO2-Fixierung. (2016)
Magazine Article
Erb, T. J.: Kleine Bausteine ganz groß: ein neuer Weg zur Assimilierung von Acetyl-CoA. (2010)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Erb, T. J.: Bringing Photosynthesis 2.0 to Life. In: Curious Future Insight, pp. 49 - 64 (Ed. Betz, U. A.K.). Springer, Cham (2024)
Book Chapter
Erb, T. J.; Zarzycki, J.; Scheffen, M.: 5 Synthetic enzymes and pathways for improved carbon capture and conversion. In: Photosynthesis: Biotechnological Applications with Microalgae, pp. 129 - 146 (Ed. Matthias, R.). De Gruyter (2021)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Erb, T.: CETCH me if you can: Bringing inorganic carbon into life with synthetic CO2 fixation. The FEBS Journal 284, S1.1-001, 1 Ed., (2017)

Talk (2)

Ottrin, L.; Diehl, C.; Erb, T. J.; Sundmacher, K.; Vidaković-Koch, T.: Artificial Mitochondrion, Bottom-up! SYNCELL 2021: International Conference on Engineering Synthetic Cells and Organelles, virtual (2021)
Erb, T. J.: Conflicting studies reveal that arsenic appears not to be fundamental to life. BBC, Science in Action (2012)

Other (2)

Erb, T. J.: Nachwuchs mit Sorgen, Laborjournal (7-8 Ed.), pp. 34 - 37 (2014)
Erb, T. J.: Arsen und spitze Thesen, Laborjournal online, (2012)

Opinion (1)

Menke, C.; Schularick, M.; Baumbach, S.; Wolf, R.; Macke, J.; Pernice, W.; Tkaczy, V.; Towfigh, E.; Klepp, S.; Nowicka, M. et al.; Diederichs, S.; Tjus, J.; Kümmerle, T.; Dmitriev, K.; Klein, J.; Klatt, M.; Koenig, M.; Wilmking, M.; von Luxburg, U.; Danzer, A.; Schneider, C. Q.; Bollenbach, T.; Heyden, K.; Riemer, A.; Rakoczy, H.; Lepper, V.; Walter, S.; Erb, T. J.; Runge, E.; Chappell, D.: Nach der Exzellenzinitiative: Personalstruktur als Schlüssel zu leistungsfähigeren Universitäten. (2013)
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