Work Council

From left to right: Elmar Meyer, Peter Claus, Silvia González Sierra, Karin Becker, Alexandra Hahn, Nicole Rössel, Melissa Kivoloka, Jörg Kahnt. Bianca Pommerenke is missing on the photo.
Elmar Meyer – TvöD, labor law, grouping & individual personnel measures, 1st general works council representative
Peter Claus – Employee training and organization of language and computer courses, 2nd general works council representative and minute taker
Silvia Gonzales-Sierra – Organization of health training and prevention courses
Karin Becker - Minute taker
Alexandra Hahn – Chairwoman, occupational safety committee and 3rd general works council representative
Nicole Rössel
Melissa Kivoloka – Vice chairwoman, occupational safety committee and minute taker
Jörg Kahnt – Conflict counseling
Bianca Pommerenke