
Designing a More Efficient System for Harnessing Carbon Dioxide
In this video, Tobias Erb describes the principles of building a synthetic metabolic cycle.

Synthetic Biology: Realizing synthetic carbon dioxide fixation 

In this video, Tobias Erb describes the principles of building a synthetic metabolic cycle.

The production of synthetic chloroplasts using a microfluidic platform
<span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">The β hydroxyaspartate cycle, which was discovered more than 50 years ago in the soil bacterium Paracoccus, has received little attention, and its exact biochemical processes remained unexplored. As it now turns out, the cycle of billions of tons of carbon in the oceans must be reassessed.</span>

Phytoplankton in the ocean: The degradation of glycolic acid

The β hydroxyaspartate cycle, which was discovered more than 50 years ago in the soil bacterium Paracoccus, has received little attention, and its exact biochemical processes remained unexplored. As it now turns out, the cycle of billions of tons of carbon in the oceans must be reassessed.
We are the graduate school for Environmental, Cellular and Molecular Microbiology, a joint programme of the Philipps University and the Max Planck Institute for terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg.This video provides a first-hand insight into our students' experiences at the IMPRS-Mic.

Students of the IMPRS-Mic in Marburg

We are the graduate school for Environmental, Cellular and Molecular Microbiology, a joint programme of the Philipps University and the Max Planck Institute for terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg.This video provides a first-hand insight into our students' experiences at the IMPRS-Mic.

Regine Kahmann's lecture for the Taylor White Seminar at University of California Berkeley, March 11, 2015
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