Towards biomimetic cell division: In vitro reconstitution of segregation
Graduate Students Mini-Symposium
- Datum: 27.02.2017
- Uhrzeit: 13:50
- Vortragende(r): Daniel Hürtgen
- MPI / Systems and Synthetic Microbiology
- Ort: MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology
- Raum: Lecture hall
- Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Victor Sourjik
- Kontakt:
This PhD is embedded within MaxSynBio, which is a joint research project funded by MPG and BMBF and interested in creation of the first minimal proliferome. This worked is focused on a bottom-up approach towards biomimetic cell division by reconstituting DNA-segregation in vitro from biochemicals and their component materials. Subsequently, this segregation machinery will be incorporated into micro-compartments using microfluidics. Such mimicry of fundamental life processes, fueled by advances in the biophysics of biomimetic micro-compartments could lead to a deeper understanding not only of the origin of life but of the nature of today’s living systems.