Sexualized Discrimination, Harassment and Violence

Sexualized Discrimination, Harassment and Violence

The Max Planck Society promotes a culture of non-discrimination, viewing the diversity of its employees as a valuable asset. Everyone is treated with equal respect and consideration, regardless of their ethnic origin, descent, gender, sexual orientation, religion, worldview, disability, or age. These factors should not result in personal or professional disadvantages or affect an individual’s opportunities for access, advancement, or training within the organization. As a leading research institution with thousands of employees, the Max Planck Society prioritizes the protection of its staff from all forms of discrimination. It is dedicated to offering prevention, information, and support while actively opposing any behavior that undermines the dignity of its employees. Everyone involved with the Max Planck Society is encouraged to help create a workplace, research environment, and training space that is rooted in mutual respect and tolerance, free from disadvantages and discrimination. The Max Planck Society’s policy includes protection against sexualized discrimination, which entails the gender-based degradation of individuals, sexualized harassment, defined as verbal, visual, written or physical assaults and sexualized violence, including coercion or rape. Here you can find more detailed information about the protection against sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence at the Max Planck Society. Below you can read an overview of the main points.

Duties and behavior

The Max Planck Society prohibits sexualized discrimination, harassment, and violence, implementing protective measures like training and sanctions. All employees, scholarship holders, trainees, applicants, and guests must not face discrimination based on sex, gender, or sexual orientation and are required to avoid any misconduct. The Max Planck Society investigates violations of its Code of Conduct, ensuring that complainants do not suffer disadvantages for reporting, their anonymity is protected, and the presumption of innocence is upheld for the accused.

Procedure for handling sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence

Complaints about sexualized discrimination, harassment, or violence can be made informally, either verbally or electronically. Depending on the severity of the accusations, labor law deadlines must be followed. The Department for Labour and Collective Wage Agreement Law offers confidential advice. Contact between the complainant and involved parties should be minimized until the facts are clarified. Leaders are required to investigate any indications of misconduct and take appropriate actions. After a complaint is received, a confidential consultation will be held to inform the complainant of their rights and options. The complainant decides on further steps but cannot demand unreasonable actions or prevent necessary legal proceedings. Until accusations are confirmed, the accused should not face disadvantages.

Before proceeding with a complaint, a written description of the incident must be submitted, detailing the date, location, individuals involved, witnesses, evidence, prior actions taken, and who has been informed. A copy of this complaint is sent confidentially to the Central Gender Equality Officer, and local Gender Equality Officers will also be involved unless the complainant objects. After an initial consultation, the accused will be interviewed by the local or Central Gender Equality Officer or a superior, with at least one day's notice about the discussion topic. This interview allows the accused to respond and includes information on the policies against sexualized misconduct and guidance on acceptable behavior. If the allegations are unfounded, measures will be taken to ensure the accused does not suffer any negative consequences.


Depending on the scale of the sexualized action, measures can reach from a written reprimand to criminal charges.


The direct supervisor or supervisors and other persons with leadership and supervision responsibilities.

The local Gender Equality Office

Dr. Martina  Preiner
+49 6421-28-26764

The Central Gender Equality Officer

Dr. Ulla Weber
+49 89 2108-1421

Works Council

General Works Council

Gloria von Eilpe
+49 89 2108-1549

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