Zeitschriftenartikel (39)

Giammarinaro, P. I.; Young, M. K. M.; Steinchen, W.; Mais, C. N.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Yang, J.; Stevenson, D. M.; Amador-Noguez, D.; Paulus, A.; Wang, J. D. et al.; Bange, G.: Diadenosine tetraphosphate regulates biosynthesis of GTP in Bacillus subtilis. Nature Microbiology 7, 1442–1452 (2022)
Rick, T.; Kreiling, V.; Hoing, A.; Fiedler, S.; Glatter, T.; Steinchen, W.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Bahre, H.; Seifert, R.; Bange, G. et al.; Knauer, S. K.; Graumann, P. L.; Thormann, K. M.: GGDEF domain as spatial on-switch for a phosphodiesterase by interaction with landmark protein HubP. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 8, 35 (2022)
Schulz, L.; Sendker, F. L.; Hochberg, G. K. A.: Non-adaptive complexity and biochemical function. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 73, 102339 (2022)
Hernandez-Tamayo, R.; Steube, N.; Heimerl, T.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Graumann, P. L.: ATPase activity of Bacillus subtilis RecA affects the dynamic formation of RecA filaments at DNA double strand breaks. mSphere 7 (6), e00412-22 (2022)
Lyu, J.; Liu, C.; Zhang, T.; Schrecke, S.; Elam, N. P.; Packianathan, C.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Russell, D.; Zhao, M.; Laganowsky, A.: Structural basis for lipid and copper regulation of the ABC transporter MsbA. Nature Communications 13, 7291 (2022)
Pillai, A. S.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Thornton, J. W.: Simple mechanisms for the evolution of protein complexity. Protein Science 31 (11), e4449 (2022)
Feyh, R.; Waeber, N. B.; Prinz, S.; Giammarinaro, P. I.; Bange, G.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Hartmann, R. K.; Altegoer, F.: Structure and mechanistic features of the prokaryotic minimal RNase P. eLife 10, e70160 (2021)
Hochberg, G. K. A.; Liu, Y.; Marklund, E. G.; Metzger, B. P. H.; Laganowsky, A.; Thornton, J. W.: A hydrophobic ratchet entrenches molecular complexes. Nature 588 (7838), S. 503 - 508 (2020)
Park, Y.; Patton, J. E. J.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Thornton, J. W.: Comment on "Ancient origins of allosteric activation in a Ser-Thr kinase". Science 370 (6519) (2020)
Pillai, A. S.; Chandler, S. A.; Liu, Y.; Signore, A. V.; Cortez-Romero, C. R.; Benesch, J. L. P.; Laganowsky, A.; Storz, J. F.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Thornton, J. W.: Origin of complexity in haemoglobin evolution. Nature 581 (7809), S. 480 - 485 (2020)
Malay, A. D.; Miyazaki, N.; Biela, A.; Chakraborti, S.; Majsterkiewicz, K.; Stupka, I.; Kaplan, C. S.; Kowalczyk, A.; Piette, B.; Hochberg, G. K. A. et al.; Wu, D.; Wrobel, T. P.; Fineberg, A.; Kushwah, M. S.; Kelemen, M.; Vavpetic, P.; Pelicon, P.; Kukura, P.; Benesch, J. L. P.; Iwasaki, K.; Heddle, J. G.: An ultra-stable gold-coordinated protein cage displaying reversible assembly. Nature 569 (7756), S. 438 - 442 (2019)
Santhanagopalan, I.; Degiacomi, M. T.; Shepherd, D. A.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Benesch, J. L. P.; Vierling, E.: It takes a dimer to tango: Oligomeric small heat shock proteins dissociate to capture substrate. J Biol Chem 293 (51), S. 19511 - 19521 (2018)
Hochberg, G. K. A.; Shepherd, D. A.; Marklund, E. G.; Santhanagoplan, I.; Degiacomi, M. T.; Laganowsky, A.; Allison, T. M.; Basha, E.; Marty, M. T.; Galpin, M. R. et al.; Struwe, W. B.; Baldwin, A. J.; Vierling, E.; Benesch, J. L. P.: Structural principles that enable oligomeric small heat-shock protein paralogs to evolve distinct functions. Science 359 (6378), S. 930 - 935 (2018)
Siddiq, M. A.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Thornton, J. W.: Evolution of protein specificity: insights from ancestral protein reconstruction. Curr Opin Struct Biol 47, S. 113 - 122 (2017)
Hochberg, G. K. A.; Thornton, J. W.: Reconstructing Ancient Proteins to Understand the Causes of Structure and Function. Annu Rev Biophys 46, S. 247 - 269 (2017)
Marty, M. T.; Baldwin, A. J.; Marklund, E. G.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Benesch, J. L.; Robinson, C. V.: Bayesian deconvolution of mass and ion mobility spectra: from binary interactions to polydisperse ensembles. Anal Chem 87 (8), S. 4370 - 6 (2015)
Hochberg, G. K. A.; Ecroyd, H.; Liu, C.; Cox, D.; Cascio, D.; Sawaya, M. R.; Collier, M. P.; Stroud, J.; Carver, J. A.; Baldwin, A. J. et al.; Robinson, C. V.; Eisenberg, D. S.; Benesch, J. L.; Laganowsky, A.: The structured core domain of alphaB-crystallin can prevent amyloid fibrillation and associated toxicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 (16), S. E1562 - 70 (2014)
Hochberg, G. K. A.; Benesch, J. L.: Dynamical structure of alphaB-crystallin. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 115 (1), S. 11 - 20 (2014)
Hilton, G. R.; Hochberg, G. K. A.; Laganowsky, A.; McGinnigle, S. I.; Baldwin, A. J.; Benesch, J. L.: C-terminal interactions mediate the quaternary dynamics of alphaB-crystallin. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 368 (1617), S. 20110405 (2013)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Hochberg, G.: The evolution of assembly complexity of earth’s most important CO2 fixing enzyme. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1865, 149196, (2024)
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