Publications of Petra Mann
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Journal Article (14)
Journal Article
8 (1), e01043-22 (2023)
E. coli toxin YjjJ (HipH) is a Ser/Thr protein kinase that impacts cell division, carbon metabolism, and ribosome assembly. mSystems
Journal Article
11 (1), 2041 (2020)
Repurposing a chemosensory macromolecular machine. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
Journal Article
5 (3), pp. 395 - + (2020)
Transcriptional regulation by sigma factor phosphorylation in bacteria. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY
Journal Article
109 (5), pp. 694 - 709 (2018)
ZomB is essential for flagellar motor reversals in Shewanella putrefaciens and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Journal Article
109 (3), pp. 365 - 384 (2018)
A cell length-dependent transition in MinD-dynamics promotes a switch in division-site placement and preservation of proliferating elongated Vibrio parahaemolyticus swarmer cells. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Journal Article
6, e31058 (2017)
Coupling chemosensory array formation and localization. eLife
Journal Article
113 (37), pp. 10412 - 10417 (2016)
Chemotaxis cluster 1 proteins form cytoplasmic arrays in Vibrio cholerae and are stabilized by a double signaling domain receptor DosM. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Journal Article
6 (12), e28968 (2011)
The Myxococcus xanthus Spore Cuticula Protein C Is a Fragment of FibA, an Extracellular Metalloprotease Produced Exclusively in Aggregated Cells. PLoS ONE
Journal Article
284 (32), pp. 21435 - 21445 (2009)
A novel "four-component" two-component signal transduction mechanism regulates developmental progression in Myxococcus xanthus. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal Article
190 (13), pp. 4416 - 4426 (2008)
EspA, an orphan hybrid histidine protein kinase, regulates the timing of expression of key developmental proteins of Myxococcus xanthus. Journal of Bacteriology
Journal Article
17 (1), pp. 1 - 10 (2006)
Identification of heavy metal-induced genes encoding glutathione S-transferases in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. Mycorrhiza
Journal Article
55 (4), pp. 553 - 566 (2004)
Identification of mycorrhiza-regulated genes with arbuscule development-related expression profile. Plant Molecular Biology
Journal Article
13 (3), pp. 137 - 142 (2003)
Differential RNA accumulation of two beta-tubulin genes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza
Journal Article
244 (1-2), pp. 129 - 139 (2002)
Early developmentally regulated genes in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae: identification of GmGIN1, a novel gene with homology to the C-terminus of metazoan hedgehog proteins. Plant and Soil