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Publications of J. Koch

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Watanabe, T.; Pfeil-Gardiner, O.; Kahnt, J.; Koch, J.; Shima, S.; Murphy, B. J.: Three-megadalton complex of methanogenic electron-bifurcating and CO2-fixing enzymes. Science 373 (6559), pp. 1151 - 1155 (2021)
Journal Article
Wagner, T.; Koch, J.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.: Methanogenic heterodisulfide reductase (HdrABC-MvhAGD) uses two noncubane [4Fe-4S] clusters for reduction. Science 357 (6352), pp. 699 - 702 (2017)
Journal Article
Bai, L.; Fujishiro, T.; Huang, G.; Koch, J.; Takabayashi, A.; Yokono, M.; Tanaka, A.; Xu, T.; Hu, X.; Ermler, U. et al.; Shima, S.: Towards artificial methanogenesis: biosynthesis of the [Fe]-hydrogenase cofactor and characterization of the semisynthetic hydrogenase. Faraday Discussions 198, pp. 37 - 58 (2017)
Journal Article
Kahnt, J.; Aguiluz, K.; Koch, J.; Treuner-Lange, A.; Konovalova, A.; Huntley, S.; Hoppert, M.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Hedderich, R.: Profiling the Outer Membrane Proteome during Growth and Development of the Social Bacterium Myxococcus xanthus by Selective Biotinylation and Analyses of Outer Membrane Vesicles. Journal of Proteome Research 9 (10), pp. 5197 - 5208 (2010)
Journal Article
Forzi, L.; Koch, J.; Guss, A. M.; Radosevich, C. G.; Metcalf, W. W.; Hedderich, R.: Assignment of the [4Fe-4S] clusters of Ech hydrogenase from Methanosarcina barkeri to individual subunits via the characterization of site-directed mutants. The FEBS Journal 272 (18), pp. 4741 - 4753 (2005)
Journal Article
Forzi, L.; Koch, J.; Guss, A. M.; Radosevich, C. G.; Metcalf, W. W.; Hedderich, R.: Assignment of the [4Fe-4S] clusters of Ech hydrogenase from Methanosarcina barkeri to individual subunits via the characterization of site-directed mutants. FEBS Journal 272 (18), pp. 4741 - 4753 (2005)
Journal Article
Shokes, J. E.; Duin, E. C.; Bauer, C.; Jaun, B.; Hedderich, R.; Koch, J.; Scott, R. A.: Direct interaction of coenzyme M with the active-site Fe-S cluster of heterodisulfide reductase. FEBS Letters 579 (7), pp. 1741 - 1744 (2005)
Journal Article
Kurkin, S.; Meuer, J.; Koch, J.; Hedderich, R.; Albracht, S. P. J.: The membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase (Ech) from Methanosarcina barkeri: unusual properties of the iron-sulphur clusters. European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (24), pp. 6101 - 6111 (2002)
Journal Article
Kurkin, S.; Meuer, J.; Koch, J.; Hedderich, R.; Albracht, S. P. J.: The membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase (Ech) from Methanosarcina barkeri: unusual properties of the iron-sulphur clusters. European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (24), pp. 6101 - 6111 (2002)
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