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Publications of V. Berndt

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Brenzinger, S.; Dewenter, L.; Delalez, N.J.; Leicht, O.; Berndt, V.; Paulick, A.; Berry, R.M.; Thanbichler, M.; Armitage, J.P.; Maier, B. et al.; Thormann, K.M.: Mutations targeting the plug-domain of the Shewanella oneidensis proton-driven stator allow swimming at increased viscosity and under anaerobic conditions. Molecular Microbiology 102 (5), pp. 925 - 938 (2016)

Thesis - Bachelor (1)

Thesis - Bachelor
Berndt, V.: Selektion und Charakteristik von S. oneidensis ΔpomAB "up-motile" Mutanten. Bachelor, Philipps Universität, Marburg (2012)
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