Publications of N. Paczia

Journal Article (59)

Journal Article
Sundaram, S.; Diehl, C.; Cortina, N. S.; Bamberger, J.; Paczia, N.; Erb, T. J.: A modular in vitro platform for the production of terpenes and polyketides from CO2. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 60 (30), pp. 16420 - 16425 (2021)
Journal Article
Roell, M.-S.; Schada von Borzykowski, L.; Westhoff, P.; Plett, A.; Paczia, N.; Claus, P.; Urte, S.; Erb, T. J.; Weber, A. P. M.: A synthetic C4 shuttle via the beta-hydroxyaspartate cycle in C3 plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (21), e2022307118 (2021)
Journal Article
Hakobyan, A.; Zhu, J.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Liesack, W.: Hydrogen utilization by Methylocystis sp. strain SC2 expands the known metabolic versatility of type IIa methanotrophs. METABOLIC ENGINEERING 61, pp. 181 - 196 (2020)
Journal Article
Cotton, C. A. R.; Bernhardsgrütter, I.; He, H.; Burgener, S.; Schulz, L.; Paczia, N.; Dronsella, B.; Erban, A.; Toman, S.; Dempfle, M. et al.; De Maria, A.; Kopka, J.; Lindner, S. N.; Erb, T. J.; Bar-Even, A.: Underground isoleucine biosynthesis pathways in E. coli. ELIFE 9, e54207 (2020)
Journal Article
Milne-Davies, B.; Helbig, C.; Wimmi, S.; Cheng, D. W. C.; Paczia, N.; Diepold, A.: Life After Secretion-Yersinia enterocolitica Rapidly Toggles Effector Secretion and Can Resume Cell Division in Response to Changing External Conditions. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 10, 2128 (2019)
Journal Article
Paczia, N.; Becker-Kettern, J.; Conrotte, J.-F.; Cifuente, J. O.; Guerin, M. E.; Linster, C. L.: 3-Phosphoglycerate Transhydrogenation Instead of Dehydrogenation Alleviates the Redox State Dependency of Yeast de Novo L-Serine Synthesis. SI 58 (4), pp. 259 - 275 (2019)
Journal Article
Schymanski, E. L.; Baker, N. C.; Williams, A. J.; Singh, R. R.; Trezzi, J.-P.; Wilmes, P.; Kolber, P. L.; Kruger, R.; Paczia, N.; Linster, C. L. et al.; Balling, R.: Connecting environmental exposure and neurodegeneration using cheminformatics and high resolution mass spectrometry: potential and challenges. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS 21 (9), pp. 1426 - 1445 (2019)
Journal Article
Van Bergen, N. J.; Guo, Y.; Rankin, J.; Paczia, N.; Becker-Kettern, J.; Kremer, L. S.; Pyle, A.; Conrotte, J.-F.; Ellaway, C.; Procopis, P. et al.; Prelog, K.; Homfray, T.; Baptista, J.; Baple, E.; Wakeling, M.; Massey, S.; Kay, D. P.; Shukla, A.; Girisha, K. M.; Lewis, L. E. S.; Santra, S.; Power, R.; Daubeney, P.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Kovacs-Nagy, R.; Pritsch, M.; Ahting, U.; Thorburn, D. R.; Prokisch, H.; Taylor, R. W.; Christodoulou, J.; Linster, C. L.; Ellard, S.; Hakonarson, H.: NAD(P)HX dehydratase (NAXD) deficiency: a novel neurodegenerative disorder exacerbated by febrile illnesses. BRAIN 142, pp. 50 - 58 (2019)
Journal Article
Veiga-da-Cunha, M.; Chevalier, N.; Stephenne, X.; Defour, J.-P.; Paczia, N.; Ferster, A.; Achouri, Y.; Dewulf, J. P.; Linster, C. L.; Bommer, G. T. et al.; Van Schaftingen, E.: Failure to eliminate a phosphorylated glucose analog leads to neutropenia in patients with G6PT and G6PC3 deficiency. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116 (4), pp. 1241 - 1250 (2019)
Journal Article
Becker-Kettern, J.; Paczia, N.; Conrotte, J.-F.; Zhu, C.; Fiehn, O.; Jung, P. P.; Steinmetz, L. M.; Linster, C. L.: NAD(P)HX repair deficiency causes central metabolic perturbations in yeast and human cells. FEBS JOURNAL 285 (18), pp. 3376 - 3401 (2018)
Journal Article
Berger, E.; Magliaro, C.; Paczia, N.; Monzel, A. S.; Antony, P.; Linster, C. L.; Bolognin, S.; Ahluwalia, A.; Schwamborn, J. C.: Millifluidic culture improves human midbrain organoid vitality and differentiation. LAB ON A CHIP 18 (20), pp. 3172 - 3183 (2018)
Journal Article
Jung, P. P.; Zhang, Z.; Paczia, N.; Jaeger, C.; Ignac, T.; May, P.; Linster, C. L.: Natural variation of chronological aging in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species reveals diet-dependent mechanisms of life span control. NPJ AGING AND MECHANISMS OF DISEASE 4, 3 (2018)
Journal Article
Peracchi, A.; Veiga-da-Cunha, M.; Kuhara, T.; Ellens, K. W.; Paczia, N.; Stroobant, V.; Seliga, A. K.; Marlaire, S.; Jaisson, S.; Bommer, G. T. et al.; Sun, J.; Huebner, K.; Linster, C. L.; Cooper, A. J. L.; van Schaftingen, E.: Nit1 is a metabolite repair enzyme that hydrolyzes deaminated glutathione. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 114 (16), pp. E3233 - E3242 (2017)
Journal Article
Becker-Kettern, J.; Paczia, N.; Conrotte, J.-F.; Kay, D. P.; Guignard, C.; Jung, P. P.; Linster, C. L.: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Forms d-2-Hydroxyglutarate and Couples Its Degradation to d-Lactate Formation via a Cytosolic Transhydrogenase. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 291 (12), pp. 6036 - 6058 (2016)
Journal Article
Unthan, S.; Gruenberger, A.; van Ooyen, J.; Gaetgens, J.; Heinrich, J.; Paczia, N.; Wiechert, W.; Kohlheyer, D.; Noack, S.: Beyond Growth Rate 0.6: What Drives Corynebacterium glutamicum to Higher Growth Rates in Defined Medium. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 111 (2), pp. 359 - 371 (2014)
Journal Article
Gruenberger, A.; van Ooyen, J.; Paczia, N.; Rohe, P.; Schiendzielorz, G.; Eggeling, L.; Wiechert, W.; Kohlheyer, D.; Noack, S.: Beyond growth rate 0.6: Corynebacterium glutamicum cultivated in highly diluted environments. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 110 (1), pp. 220 - 228 (2013)
Journal Article
Grünberger, A.; Paczia, N.; Probst, C.; Schendzielorz, G.; Eggeling, L.; Noack, S.; Wiechert, W.; Kohlheyer, D.: A disposable picolitre bioreactor for cultivation and investigation of industrially relevant bacteria on the single cell level. Lab Chip 12 (11), pp. 2060 - 8 (2012)
Journal Article
Paczia, N.; Nilgen, A.; Lehmann, T.; Gaetgens, J.; Wiechert, W.; Noack, S.: Extensive exometabolome analysis reveals extended overflow metabolism in various microorganisms. MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES 11, 122 (2012)
Journal Article
Tillack, J.; Paczia, N.; Noh, K.; Wiechert, W.; Noack, S.: Error propagation analysis for quantitative intracellular metabolomics. Metabolites 2 (4), pp. 1012 - 30 (2012)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Oldiges, M.; Noack, S.; Paczia, N.: Metabolomics in Biotechnology (Microbial Metabolomics). In: Metabolomics in Practice (2013)
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