Publications of Franziska Brandt

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Martinson, G.; Pommerenke, B.; Brandt, F.; Homeier, J.; Burneo, J.; Conrad, R.: Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is the dominant methanogenic pathway in neotropical tank bromeliad wetlands. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS 10 (1), pp. 33 - 39 (2018)
Journal Article
Breidenbach, B.; Brenzinger, K.; Brandt, F.; Blaser, M.; Conrad, R.: The effect of crop rotation between wetland rice and upland maize on the microbial communities associated with roots. Plant and Soil 419 (1-2), pp. 435 - 445 (2017)
Journal Article
Suleiman, M.; Brandt, F.; Brenzinger, K.; Martinson, G.; Braker, G.: Potential N2O Emissions from the Tanks of Bromeliads Suggest an Additional Source of N2O in the Neotropics. Microbial Ecology 73 (4), pp. 751 - 754 (2017)
Journal Article
Brandt, F.; Martinson, G.; Conrad, R.: Bromeliad tanks are unique habitats for microbial communities involved in methane turnover. Plant and Soil 410 (1-2), pp. 167 - 179 (2017)
Journal Article
Braker, G.; Matthies, D.; Hannig, M.; Brandt, F.; Brenzinger, K.; Grongroft, A.: Impact of Land Use Management and Soil Properties on Denitrifier Communities of Namibian Savannas. Microbial Ecology 70 (4), pp. 981 - 992 (2015)
Journal Article
Brandt, F.; Martinson, G.; Pommerenke, B.; Pump, J.; Conrad, R.: Drying effects on archaeal community composition and methanogenesis in bromeliad tanks. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91 (2), fiu021 (2015)
Journal Article
Brandt, F.; Breidenbach, B.; Brenzinger, K.; Conrad, R.: Impact of short-term storage temperature on determination of microbial community composition and abundance in aerated forest soil and anoxic pond sediment samples. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 37 (8), pp. 570 - 577 (2014)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Brandt, F.: Methanogenesis in phytotelmata: Microbial communities and methane cycling in bromeliad tanks and leaf axils of oil palms. Dissertation, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg (2015)

Thesis - Master (1)

Thesis - Master
Brandt, F.: Analyse des Expressionslevels und der Transkriptstabilität von pmoA in Typ I und Typ II methanotrophen Bakterien. Master, Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2011)

Thesis - Bachelor (1)

Thesis - Bachelor
Brandt, B.: Quantifizierung von Denitrifikanten (nirS-Typ) in Böden aus der Kavango-Region (Namibia). Bachelor, Philipps-Universität, Marburg (2009)
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