Publications of Isabella Weber
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Weber, Isabella, Steinberg, Gero and : (2007) Sustained cell polarity and virulence in the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis depends on an essential cyclin-dependent kinase from the Cdk5/Pho85 family., Journal of Cell Science, 120, pp. 1584–95.
, , 2006
Journal Article
Weber, Isabella, Aßmann, Daniela, and Steinberg, Gero: (2006) Polar localizing class V myosin chitin synthases are essential during early plant infection in the plant pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis., The Plant Cell, 18 (1), pp. 225–242.
Journal Article
Straube, Anne, Weber, Isabella and Steinberg, Gero: (2005) A novel mechanism of nuclear envelope break-down in a fungus: nuclear migration strips off the envelope, The EMBO Journal, 24, pp. 1674–1685.
Journal Article
Weber, Isabella, and Steinberg, Gero: (2003) A class-V mycosin required for mating, hyphal growth, and pathogenicity in the dimorphic plant pathogen Ustilago maydis., The Plant Cell, 15, December, pp. 2826–2842.
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Weber, Isabella: Die Bedeutung von Myo5 für das polare Wachstum, die pathogene Entwicklung und den Transport polarer Chitinsynthasen in Ustilago maydis., Philipps-Universität.