Publications of G. Martinson

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Martinson, G., Pommerenke, B., Brandt, Franziska, Homeier, J., Burneo, J. and Conrad, R.: (2018) Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is the dominant methanogenic pathway in neotropical tank bromeliad wetlands, ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS, 10 (1), pp. 33–39.
Journal Article
Kanaparthi, D., Reim, A., Martinson, G., Pommerenke, B. and Conrad, R.: (2017) Methane emission from feather moss stands, Global Change Biology, 23 (11), pp. 4884–4895.
Journal Article
Suleiman, M., Brandt, F., Brenzinger, K., Martinson, G. and Braker, G.: (2017) Potential N2O Emissions from the Tanks of Bromeliads Suggest an Additional Source of N2O in the Neotropics, Microbial Ecology, 73 (4), pp. 751–754.
Journal Article
Brandt, F., Martinson, G. and Conrad, R.: (2017) Bromeliad tanks are unique habitats for microbial communities involved in methane turnover, Plant and Soil, 410 (1-2), pp. 167–179.
Journal Article
Brandt, F., Martinson, G., Pommerenke, B., Pump, J. and Conrad, R.: (2015) Drying effects on archaeal community composition and methanogenesis in bromeliad tanks, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 91 (2).
Journal Article
Martinson, G. O., Corre, M. D. and Veldkamp, E.: (2013) Responses of nitrous oxide fluxes and soil nitrogen cycling to nutrient additions in montane forests along an elevation gradient in southern Ecuador, Biogeochemistry, DORDRECHT, SPRINGER, 112 (1-3), pp. 625–636.
Journal Article
Homeier, J., Hertel, D., Camenzind, T., Cumbicus, N. L., Maraun, M., Martinson, G. O., Poma, L. N., Rillig, M. C., Sandmann, D., Scheu, S., Veldkamp, E., Wilcke, W., Wullaert, H. and Leuschner, C.: (2012) Tropical Andean Forests Are Highly Susceptible to Nutrient Inputs-Rapid Effects of Experimental N and P Addition to an Ecuadorian Montane Forest, PLoS ONE, SAN FRANCISCO, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 7 (10).
Journal Article
Martinson, Guntars O., Werner, Florian A., Scherber, Christoph, Conrad, Ralf, Corre, Marife D., Flessa, Heiner, Wolf, Katrin, Klose, Melanie, Gradstein, S. Robbert and Veldkamp, Edzo: (2010) Methane emissions from tank bromeliads in neotropical forests, Nature Geoscience, 3, pp. 766–769.
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