Publications of M. Krüger

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Rabus, R., Boll, M., Heider, J., Meckenstock, R.U., Buckel, W., Einsle, O., Ermler, U., Golding, B.T., Gunsalus, R.P., Kroneck, P.M.H., Krüger, M., Lueders, T., Martins, B.M., Musat, F., Richnow, H.H., Schink, B., Seifert, J., Szaleniec, M., Treude, T., Ullmann, G.M., Vogt, C., von Bergen, M. and Wilkes, H.: (2016) Anaerobic Microbial Degradation of Hydrocarbons: From Enzymatic Reactions to the Environment, Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 26 (1-3), pp. 5–28.
Journal Article
Krüger, M., Frenzel, P., Kemnitz, D. and Conrad, R.: (2005) Activity, structure and dynamics of the methanogenic archaeal community in a flooded Italian rice field, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 51, February, pp. 323–331.
Journal Article
Eller, G., Krüger, M. and Frenzel, P.: (2005) Comparing field and microcosm experiments: a case study on methano- and methylo-trophic bacteria in paddy soil, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 51, January, pp. 279–291.
Journal Article
Krüger, M., Meyerdierks, A., Glockner, F. O., Amann, R., Widdel, F., Kube, M., Reinhardt, R., Kahnt, R., Böcher, R., Thauer, R. K. and Shima, S.: (2003) A conspicuous nickel protein in microbial mats that oxidize methane anaerobically, Nature, London, Nature Publishing Group, 426 (6968), pp. 878–881.
Journal Article
Krüger, M. and Frenzel, P.: (2003) Effects of N-fertilisation on CH4 oxidation and production, and consequences for CH4 emissions from microcosms and rice fields, Global Change Biology, 9, pp. 773–784.
Journal Article
Krüger, M., Eller, G., Conrad, R. and Frenzel, P.: (2002) Seasonal variation in pathways of CH4 production and in CH4 oxidation in rice fields determined by stable carbon isotopes and specific inhibitors, Global Change Biology, 8 (3), pp. 265–280.

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Krüger, Martin: (2000) Mikrobielle Regulation der CH4-Emission aus Reisfeldern., Philipps-Universität Marburg.
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