Publications of Lotte Sogaard-Andersen
All genres
Journal Article (144)
Journal Article
Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte, , , and : (1990) The CytR repressor antagonizes cyclic AMP-cyclic AMP receptor protein activation of the deoCp2 promoter of Escherichia coli K-12, JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 172 (10), pp. 5706–5713.
Journal Article
Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte, , and : (1990) Tandem DNA-bound cAMP-CRP complexes are required for transcriptional repression of the deoP2 promoter by the CytR repressor in Escherichia coli, MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY, 4 (9), pp. 1595–1601.
Journal Article
Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte and : (1985) Two Functions of the E Protein Are Key Elements in the Plasmid F Replication Control System, JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 164 (3), pp. 1262–1270.
, 1984
Journal Article
Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte, and : (1984) Regulated expression of a gene important for replication of plasmid F in E. coli, EMBO JOURNAL, 3 (2), pp. 257–262.
Magazine Article (2)
Magazine Article
Treuner-Lange, Anke and Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2020) Überlebenskünstler mit sozialen und kommunikativen Fähigkeiten, Biospektrum, Heidelberg, Germany, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Magazine Article
Treuner-Lange, Anke and Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2017) Typ-IVa-Pilus-Motilität - Bislang stärkster molekularer Motor zieht Bakterien über Oberflächen., BIOspektrum.
Book Chapter (7)
Book Chapter
Perez-Burgos, Maria and Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2020) Regulation by c-di-GMP in Myxococcus xanthus, in , , , and Eds, Microbial cyclic di-nucleotide signaling, Springer, Cham., pp. 293–310.
Book Chapter
Huntley, Stuart, Wuichet, Kristin and Sogaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2013) Genome evolution and content in the myxobacteria, in Ed., Myxobacteria: Genomics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Horizon Press, pp. 79–90.
Book Chapter
Treuner-Lange, A., Sogaard-Andersen, L. and : (2013) Cell cycle regulation in Myxococcus xanthus during vegetative growth and development: Regulation links between DNA replication and cell division, in Myxobacteria: Genomics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Norfolk, UK, Horizon Scientific press and Caister Academic Press, pp. 79–90.
Book Chapter
Friedrich, C. and Sogaard-Andersen, L.: (2013) Type IV pili and exoploysaccharide dependent motility in Myxococcus xanthus., in Myxobacteria: Genomics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Norfolk, UK, Horizon Scientific press and Caister Academic Press, pp. 183–198.
, , 2012
Book Chapter
Keilberg, D., Huntley, S. and Sogaard-Andersen, L.: (2012) Two-component systems involved in regulation of motility and development in Myxococcus xanthus., in Two component systems in bacteria, Norfolk, UK, Horizon Scientific press and Caister Academic Press, pp. 293–314.
Book Chapter
Sogaard-Andersen, L.: (2008) Contact-depending signaling in Myxococcus xanthus: The function of the C-signal in fruiting body morphogenesis., in Ed., Myxobacteria: Multicellularity and Differentiation, Washington, ASM Press, pp. 77–91.
Book Chapter
Sogaard-Andersen, L.: (2006) Signaling by a cell surface-associated-signal during fruiting body morphogenesis in Myxococcus xanthus, (Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication: Role in Virulence and Pathogenesis).
Preprint (12)
Jung, Jana, Glatter, Timo, Herfurth, Marco and Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2025) DdiA, an XRE family transcriptional regulator, regulates a LexA-independent DNA damage response in Myxococcus xanthus, bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology.
Blöcher, Luca Pascal, Schwabe, Johannes, Glatter, Timo and Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2024) Identification of EcpK, a bacterial tyrosine pseudokinase important for exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Myxococcus xanthus, bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology.
Oklitschek, Michel, Carreira, Luis Antonio Menezes, Muratoğlu, Memduha, Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte and Treuner-Lange, Anke: (2024) Combinatorial control of type IVa pili formation by the four polarized regulators MglA, SgmX, FrzS and SopA, bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology.
Perez Burgos, Maria, Herfurth, Marco, , Harms, Andrea, , , Glatter, Timo and Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2024) A deterministic, c-di-GMP-dependent genetic program ensures the generation of phenotypically similar, symmetric daughter cells during cytokinesis, bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology.
Treuner-Lange, Anke, , , Lindow, Steffi, Herfurth, Marco, , Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte and : (2023) Large pilin subunits provide distinct structural and mechanical properties for the Myxococcus xanthus type IV pilus, bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology.
Herfurth, Marco, Pérez-Burgos, María and Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2023) The mechanism for polar localization of the type IVa pilus machine, bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology.
Seidel, Michael, Skotnicka, Dorota, Glatter, Timo and Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte: (2023) During heat stress in Myxococcus xanthus, the CdbS PilZ domain protein, along with two PilZ-DnaK chaperones, perturbs chromosome organization and accelerates cell death, bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology.