Publications of Regine Kahmann

Journal Article (99)

Journal Article
Bortfeld, M.; Auffarth, K.; Kahmann, R.; Basse, C. W.: The Ustilago maydis a2 Mating-Type Locus Genes lga2 and rga2 Compromise Pathogenicity in the Absence of the Mitochondrial p32 Family Protein Mrb1. The Plant Cell 16, pp. 2233 - 2248 (2004)
Journal Article
Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.: Ustilago maydis: how its biology relates to pathogenic development. New Phytologist 164, pp. 31 - 42 (2004)
Journal Article
Mueller, P.; Leibbrandt, A.; Teunissen, H.; Cubasch, S.; Aichinger, C.; Kahmann, R.: The Gbeta-Subunit-Encoding Gene bpp1 Controls Cyclic-AMP Signaling in Ustilago maydis. Eukaryotic Cell 3 (3), pp. 806 - 814 (2004)
Journal Article
Aichinger, C.; Hansson, K.; Eichhorn, H.; Lessing, F.; Mannhaupt, G.; Mewes, W.; Kahmann, R.: Identification of a plant-regulated genes in Ustilago maydis by enhancer-trapping mutagenesis. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 270, pp. 303 - 314 (2003)
Journal Article
Mueller, P.; Weinzierl, G.; Brachmann, A.; Feldbruegge, M.; Kahmann, R.: Mating and Pathogenic Development of the Smut Fungus Ustilago maydis Are Regulated by One Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Cascade. Eukaryotic Cell 2 (6), pp. 1187 - 1199 (2003)
Journal Article
Kaffarnik, F.; Mueller, P.; Leibundgut, M.; Kahmann, R.; Feldbruegge, M.: PKA and MAPK phosphorylation of Prf1 allows promoter discrimination in Ustilago maydis. The EMBO Journal 22 (21), pp. 5817 - 5826 (2003)
Journal Article
Müller, P.; Katzenberger, J.; Loubradou, G.; Kahmann, R.: Guanyl nucleotide exchange factor Sql2 and Ras2 regulate filamentous growth in Ustilago maydis. Eukaryotic Cell 2 (3), pp. 609 - 617 (2003)
Journal Article
Brachmann, A.; Schirawski, J.; Mueller, P.; Kahmann, R.: An unusual MAP kinase is required for efficient penetration of the plant surface by Ustilago maydis. The EMBO Journal 22 (9), pp. 2199 - 2210 (2003)
Journal Article
Reichmann, M.; Jamnischek, A.; Weinzierl, G.; Ladendorf, O.; Huber, S.; Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.: The histone deacetylase Hda1 from Ustilago maydis is essential for teliospore development. Molecular Microbiology 46 (4), pp. 1169 - 1182 (2002)
Journal Article
Basse, C. W.; Kerschbamer, C.; Brustmann, M.; Altmann, T.; Kahmann, R.: Evidence for a Ustilago maydis steroid 5 alpha-reductase by functional expression in Arabidopsis det2-1 mutants. Plant Physiology 129 (2), pp. 717 - 732 (2002)
Journal Article
Basse, C. W.; Kolb, S.; Kahmann, R.: A maize-specifically expressed gene cluster in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 43 (1), pp. 75 - 93 (2002)
Journal Article
Straube, A.; Enard, W.; Berner, A.; Wedlich-Soeldner, R.; Kahmann, R.; Steinberg, G.: A split motor domain in a cytoplasmic dynein. Molecular Biology of the Cell 12 (Suppl. S), p. 1714 (2001)
Journal Article
Brachmann, A.; Weinzierl, G.; Kaemper, J.; Kahmann, R.: Identification of genes in the bW/bE regulatory cascade in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 42, pp. 1047 - 1063 (2001)
Journal Article
Loubradou, G.; Brachmann, A.; Feldbruegge, M.; Kahmann, R.: A homologue of the transcriptional repressor Ssn6p antagonizes cAMP signalling in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 40, pp. 719 - 730 (2001)
Journal Article
Basse, C.; Stumpferl, S.; Kahmann, R.: Characterization of a Ustilago maydis gene specifically induced during the biotrophic phase: Evidence for negative as well as positive regulation. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 20 (1), pp. 329 - 339 (2000)
Journal Article
Kruger, J.; Loubradou, G.; Wanner, G.; Regenfelder, E.; Feldbrugge, M.; Kahmann, R.: Activation of the cAMP pathway in Ustilago maydis reduces fungal proliferation and teliospore formation in plant tumors. MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS 13 (10), pp. 1034 - 1040 (2000)
Journal Article
Quadbeck-Seeger, C.; Wanner, G.; Huber, S.; Kahmann, R.; Kamper, J.: A protein with similarity to the human retinoblastoma binding protein 2 acts specifically as a repressor for genes regulated by the b mating type locus in Ustilago maydis. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 38 (1), pp. 154 - 166 (2000)
Journal Article
Romeis, T.; Brachmann, A.; Kahmann, R.; Kamper, J.: Identification of a target gene for the bE-bW homeodomain protein complex in Ustilago maydis. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 37 (1), pp. 54 - 66 (2000)
Journal Article
Wedlich-Soldner, R.; Bolker, M.; Kahmann, R.; Steinberg, G.: A putative endosomal t-SNARE links exo- and endocytosis in the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis. EMBO JOURNAL 19 (9), pp. 1974 - 1986 (2000)

Magazine Article (1)

Magazine Article
Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.: Der Maisbeulenbrand: Ein Modell für phytopathogene Pilze. (2004)
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