Publications of Victor Sourjik

Other (2)

Huertgen, D.; Mascarenhas, J.; Heymann, M.; Murray, S. M.; Schwille, P.; Sourjik, V.: Cover Feature: Reconstitution and Coupling of DNA Replication and Segregation in a Biomimetic System (ChemBioChem 20/2019), SI 20, p. 2532 - 2532 (2019)

Review Article (11)

Review Article
Bi, S.; Sourjik, V.: Stimulus sensing and signal processing in bacterial chemotaxis. CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY 45, pp. 22 - 29 (2018)
Review Article
Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Emergent properties of bacterial chemotaxis pathway. CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY 39, pp. 24 - 33 (2017)
Review Article
Typas, A.; Sourjik, V.: Bacterial protein networks: properties and functions. NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY 13 (9), pp. 559 - 572 (2015)
Review Article
Hengge, R.; Sourjik, V.: Bacterial regulatory networks-from self-organizing molecules to cell shape and patterns in bacterial communities. EMBO REPORTS 14 (8), pp. 667 - 669 (2013)
Review Article
Sourjik, V.; Wingreen, N. S.: Responding to chemical gradients: bacterial chemotaxis. CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY 24 (2), pp. 262 - 268 (2012)
Review Article
Sourjik, V.; Armitage, J. P.: Spatial organization in bacterial chemotaxis. EMBO JOURNAL 29 (16), pp. 2724 - 2733 (2010)
Review Article
Vladimirov, N.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotaxis: how bacteria use memory. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 390 (11), pp. 1097 - 1104 (2009)
Review Article
Kollmann, M.; Sourjik, V.: In silico biology: From simulation to understanding. CURRENT BIOLOGY 17 (4), pp. R132 - R134 (2007)
Review Article
Sourjik, V.; Wingreen, N. S.: Turning to the cold. NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 9 (9), pp. 1029 - 1031 (2007)
Review Article
Kentner, D.; Sourjik, V.: Spatial organization of the bacterial chemotaxis system. CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY 9 (6), pp. 619 - 624 (2006)
Review Article
Sourjik, V.: Receptor clustering and signal processing in E coli chemotaxis. TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY 12 (12), pp. 569 - 576 (2004)

Preprint (10)

Segura Munoz, R. R.; Sourjik, V.: Collective dynamics of Escherichia coli growth under near-lethal acid stress. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.10.17.618973 (2024)
Wang, L.; Malengo, G.; Sanches Medeiros, A.; Chen, X.; Teteneva, N.; Sierra González, S.; Hammond, M.; Sourjik, V.: A toolbox of FRET-based c-di-GMP biosensors and its FRET-To-Sort application for genome-wide mapping of the second messenger regulatory network. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.08.21.609041 (2024)
Pérez-López, M. I.; Lubrano, P.; Angelidou, G.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Link, H.; Sourjik, V.: The SPFH complex HflK-HflC regulates aerobic respiration in bacteria. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.04.21.590321 (2024)
Lisevich, I. M.; Colin, R.; Yang, H. Y.; Ni, B.; Sourjik, V.: Physics and physiology determine strategies of bacterial investment in flagellar motility. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.30.587422 (2024)
Scarinci, G.; Ariens, J.-L.; Angelidou, G.; Schmidt, S.; Glatter, T.; Paczia, N.; Sourjik, V.: Enhanced metabolic entanglement emerges during the evolution of an interkingdom microbial community. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.30.587424 (2024)
Kargeti, M.; Kalita, I.; Hoch, S.; Ratnikava, M.; Xu, W.; Ni, B.; Dy, R. L.; Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Experimental evolution of a reduced bacterial chemotaxis network. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.14.584839 (2024)
Xu, W.; Cerna-Vargas, J. P.; Tajuelo, A.; Lozano Montoya, A.; Kivoloka, M.; Krink, N.; Monteagudo-Cascales, E.; Matilla, M. A.; Krell, T.; Sourjik, V.: Systematic mapping of chemoreceptor specificities for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2023.04.04.535651 (2023)
Bellotto, N.; Agudo-Canalejo, J.; Colin, R.; Golestanian, R.; Malengo, G.; Sourjik, V.: Dependence of diffusion in Escherichia coli cytoplasm on protein size, environmental conditions and cell growth. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2022.02.17.480843 (2022)
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