Publications of V. Sourjik

Journal Article (118)

Journal Article
Kalinin, Y.; Neumann, S.; Sourjik, V.; Wu, M.: Responses of Escherichia coli bacteria to two opposing chemoattractant gradients depend on the chemoreceptor ratio. J Bacteriol 192 (7), pp. 1796 - 800 (2010)
Journal Article
Winkler, J.; Seybert, A.; Konig, L.; Pruggnaller, S.; Haselmann, U.; Sourjik, V.; Weiss, M.; Frangakis, A. S.; Mogk, A.; Bukau, B.: Quantitative and spatio-temporal features of protein aggregation in Escherichia coli and consequences on protein quality control and cellular ageing. EMBO J 29 (5), pp. 910 - 23 (2010)
Journal Article
Kentner, D.; Sourjik, V.: Use of Fluorescence Microscopy to Study Intracellular Signaling in Bacteria. ANNUAL REVIEW OF MICROBIOLOGY, VOL 64, 2010, pp. 373 - 390 (2010)
Journal Article
Kentner, D.; Sourjik, V.: Dynamic map of protein interactions in the Escherichia coli chemotaxis pathway. MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 5, 238 (2009)
Journal Article
Lovdok, L.; Bentele, K.; Vladimirov, N.; Mueller, A.; Pop, F. S.; Lebiedz, D.; Kollmann, M.; Sourjik, V.: Role of Translational Coupling in Robustness of Bacterial Chemotaxis Pathway. PLOS BIOLOGY 7 (8), e1000171 (2009)
Journal Article
Endres, R. G.; Oleksiuk, O.; Hansen, C. H.; Meir, Y.; Sourjik, V.; Wingreen, N. S.: Variable sizes of Escherichia coli chemoreceptor signaling teams. MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 4, 211 (2008)
Journal Article
Plaimas, K.; Mallm, J.-P.; Oswald, M.; Svara, F.; Sourjik, V.; Eils, R.; Koenig, R.: Machine learning based analyses on metabolic networks supports high-throughput knockout screens. BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 2, 67 (2008)
Journal Article
Schulmeister, S.; Ruttorf, M.; Thiem, S.; Kentner, D.; Lebiedz, D.; Sourjik, V.: Protein exchange dynamics at chemoreceptor clusters in Escherichia coli. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 105 (17), pp. 6403 - 6408 (2008)
Journal Article
Thiem, S.; Sourjik, V.: Stochastic assembly of chemoreceptor clusters in Escherichia coli. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 68 (5), pp. 1228 - 1236 (2008)
Journal Article
Vladimirov, N.; Lovdok, L.; Lebiedz, D.; Sourjik, V.: Dependence of Bacterial Chemotaxis on Gradient Shape and Adaptation Rate. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 4 (12), e1000242 (2008)
Journal Article
Lovdok, L.; Kollmann, M.; Sourjik, V.: Co-expression of signaling proteins improves robustness of the bacterial chemotaxis pathway. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 129 (2), pp. 173 - 180 (2007)
Journal Article
Sourjik, V.; Vaknin, A.; Shimizu, T. S.; Berg, H. C.: In vivo measurement by FRET of pathway activity in bacterial chemotaxis. TWO-COMPONENT SIGNALING SYSTEMS, PT B, pp. 365 - 391 (2007)
Journal Article
Thiem, S.; Kentner, D.; Sourjik, V.: Positioning of chemosensory clusters in E. coli and its relation to cell division. EMBO JOURNAL 26 (6), pp. 1615 - 1623 (2007)
Journal Article
Kentner, D.; Thiem, S.; Hildenbeutel, M.; Sourjik, V.: Determinants of chemoreceptor cluster formation in Escherichia coli. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 61 (2), pp. 407 - 417 (2006)
Journal Article
Kollmann, M.; Lovdok, L.; Bartholome, K.; Timmer, J.; Sourjik, V.: Design principles of a bacterial signalling network. NATURE 438 (7067), pp. 504 - 507 (2005)
Journal Article
Michalodimitrakis, K.; Sourjik, V.; Serrano, L.: Plasticity in amino acid sensing of the chimeric receptor Taz. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 58 (1), pp. 257 - 266 (2005)
Journal Article
Liberman, L.; Berg, H.; Sourjik, V.: Effect of chemoreceptor modification on assembly and activity of the receptor-kinase complex in Escherichia coli. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY 186 (19), pp. 6643 - 6646 (2004)
Journal Article
Sourjik, V.; Berg, H.: Functional interactions between receptors in bacterial chemotaxis. NATURE 428 (6981), pp. 437 - 441 (2004)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Sourjik, V.: Chemotaxis and Receptor Localization. In: Bacterial Signaling, pp. 163 - 176 (2009)

Other (2)

Laganenka, L.; Sourjik, V.: Reply to jobling, "Lysogeny of Escherichia coli by the obligately lytic bacteriophage T1: Not Proven", mBio 12, (2021)
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