Publications of Rudolf K. Thauer

Journal Article (212)

Journal Article
Mamat, B.; Roth, A.; Grimm, C.; Ermler, U.; Tziatzios, C.; Schubert, D.; Thauer, R. K.; Shima, S.: Crystal structures and enzymatic properties of three formyltransferases from archaea: Environmental adaptation and evolutionary relationship. Protein Science 11 (9), pp. 2168 - 2178 (2002)
Journal Article
Brioukhanov, A. L.; Thauer, R. K.; Netrusov, A. I.: Catalase and superoxide dismutase in the cells of strictly anaerobic microorganisms. Microbiology 71 (3), pp. 281 - 285 (2002)
Journal Article
Krüer, M.; Haumann, M.; Meyer-Klaucke, W.; Thauer, R. K.; Dau, H.: The role of zinc in the methylation of the coenzyme M thiol group in methanol: coenzyme M methyltransferase from Methanosarcina barkeri - New insights from X-ray absorption spectroscopy. European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (8), pp. 2117 - 2123 (2002)
Journal Article
Krüer, M.; Haumann, M.; Meyer-Klaucke, W.; Thauer, R. K.; Dau, H.: The role of zinc in the methylation of the coenzyme M thiol group in methanol:coenzyme M methyltransferase from Methanosarcina barkeri -: New insights from X-ray absorption spectroscopy. European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (8), pp. 2117 - 2123 (2002)
Journal Article
Mahlert, F.; Bauer, C.; Jaun, B.; Thauer, R. K.; Duin, E. C.: The nickel enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase from methanogenic archaea: In vitro induction of the nickel-based MCR-ox EPR signals from MCR-red2. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 7 (4-5), pp. 500 - 513 (2002)
Journal Article
Mahlert, F.; Grabarse, W.; Kahnt, J.; Thauer, R. K.; Duin, E. C.: Erratum: The nickel enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase from methanogenic archaea: in vitro interconversions among the EPR detectable MCR-red1 and MCR-red2 states (vol 7, pg 101, 2002). Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 7 (3), p. 351 - 351 (2002)
Journal Article
Briukhanov, A. L.; Thauer, R. K.; Netrusov, A. I.: Catalase and superoxide dismutase in the cells of strictly anaerobic microorganisms. Mikrobiologiia 71 (3), pp. 330 - 335 (2002)
Journal Article
Mahlert, F.; Grabarse, W.; Kahnt, J.; Thauer, R. K.; Duin, E. C.: The nickel enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase from methanogenic archaea: in vitro interconversions among the EPR detectable MCR-red1 and MCR-red2 states. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 7 (1-2), pp. 101 - 112 (2002)
Journal Article
Warkentin, E.; Mamat, B.; Sordel-Klippert, M.; Wicke, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Iwata, M.; Iwata, S.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.: Structures of F420H2:NADP+ oxidoreductase with and without its substrates bound. The EMBO Journal 20 (23), pp. 6561 - 6569 (2001)
Journal Article
Grabarse, W.; Mahlert, F.; Duin, E. C.; Goubeaud, M.; Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.; Lamzin, V.; Ermler, U.: On the mechanism of biological methane formation: structural evidence for conformational changes in methyl-coenzyme M reductase upon substrate binding. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 309 (1), pp. 315 - 330 (2001)
Journal Article
Hagemeier, C. H.; Bartoschek, S.; Griesinger, C.; Thauer, R. K.; Vorholt, J. A.: Re-face stereospecificity of NADP dependent methylenetetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 as determined by NMR spectroscopy. FEBS Letters 494 (1-2), pp. 95 - 98 (2001)
Journal Article
Bartoschek, S.; Buurman, G.; Thauer, R. K.; Geierstanger, B. H.; Weyrauch, J. P.; Griesinger, C.; Nilges, M.; Hutter, M. C.; Helms, V.: Re‐Face Stereospecificity of Methylenetetrahydromethanopterin and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenases is Predetermined by Intrinsic Properties of the Substrate. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 2, pp. 530 - 541 (2001)
Journal Article
Gottschalk, G.; Thauer, R. K.: The Na+-translocating methyltransferase complex from methanogenic archaea. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1505 (1), pp. 28 - 36 (2001)
Journal Article
Shima, S.; Sordel-Klippert, M.; Brioukhanov, A.; Netrusov, A.; Linder, D.; Thauer, R. K.: Characterization of a heme-dependent catalase from Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67 (7), pp. 3041 - 3045 (2001)
Journal Article
Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.: Tetrahydromethanopterin-specific enzymes from Methanopyrus kandleri. HYPERTHERMOPHILIC ENZYMES, PT B, pp. 317 - 353 (2001)
Journal Article
Vorholt, J. A.; Marx, C. J.; Lidstrom, M. E.; Thauer, R. K.: Novel formaldehyde-activating enzyme in Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 required for growth on methanol. Journal of Bacteriology 182 (23), pp. 6645 - 6650 (2000)
Journal Article
Grabarse, W.; Mahlert, F.; Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.; Ermler, U.: Comparison of three methyl-coenzyme M reductases from phylogenetically distant organisms: unusual amino acid modification, conservation and adaptation. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 303 (2), pp. 329 - 344 (2000)
Journal Article
Afting, C.; Kremmer, E.; Brucker, C.; Hochheimer, A.; Thauer, R. K.: Regulation of the synthesis of H2-forming methylenetetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase (Hmd) and of HmdII and HmdIII in Methanothermobacter marburgensis. Archives of Microbiology 174 (4), pp. 225 - 232 (2000)
Journal Article
Buurmann, G.; Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.: The metal-free hydrogenase from methanogenic archaea: evidence for a bound cofactor. FEBS Letters 485 (2-3), pp. 200 - 204 (2000)
Journal Article
Shima, S.; Warkentin, E.; Grabarse, W.; Sordel, M.; Wicke, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Ermler, U.: Structure of coenzyme F420 dependent methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase from two methanogenic archaea. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 300 (4), pp. 935 - 950 (2000)
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