Publications of Victor Sourjik

Journal Article (118)

Journal Article
Hartmann, R.; Jeckel, H.; Jelli, E.; Singh, P. K.; Vaidya, S.; Bayer, M.; Rode, D. K. H.; Vidakovic, L.; Diaz-Pascual, F.; Fong, J. C. N. et al.; Drago, A.; Lamprecht, O.; Thoeming, J. G.; Netter, N.; Haussler, S.; Nadell, C. D.; Sourjik, V.; Kovacs, A. T.; Yildiz, F. H.; Drescher, K.: Quantitative image analysis of microbial communities with BiofilmQ. Nature Microbiology 6 (2), pp. 151 - 156 (2021)
Journal Article
Teteneva, N. A.; Mart'yanov V, S.; Esteban Lopéz, M.; Kahnt, J.; Glatter, T.; Netrusov I, A.; Plakunov, V. K.; Sourjik, V.: Multiple Drug-Induced Stress Responses Inhibit Formation of Escherichia coli Biofilms. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 86 (21), e01113-20 (2020)
Journal Article
Yadavalli, S. S.; Goh, T.; Carey, J. N.; Malengo, G.; Vellappan, S.; Nickels, B. E.; Sourjik, V.; Goulian, M.; Yuan, J.: Functional Determinants of a Small Protein Controlling a Broadly Conserved Bacterial Sensor Kinase. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY 202 (16), e00305-20 (2020)
Journal Article
Anders, A.; Ghosh, B.; Glatter, T.; Sourjik, V.: Design of a MAPK signalling cascade balances energetic cost versus accuracy of information transmission. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 3494 (2020)
Journal Article
Skruzny, M.; Pohl, E.; Gnoth, S.; Malengo, G.; Sourjik, V.: The protein architecture of the endocytic coat analyzed by FRET microscopy. MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 16 (5), e9009 (2020)
Journal Article
Suchanek, V.; Esteban Lopéz, M.; Colin, R.; Besharova, O.; Fritz, K.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotaxis and cyclic-di-GMP signalling control surface attachment of Escherichia coli. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 113 (4), pp. 728 - 739 (2020)
Journal Article
Ni, B.; Colin, R.; Link, H.; Endres, R. G.; Sourjik, V.: Growth-rate dependent resource investment in bacterial motile behavior quantitatively follows potential benefit of chemotaxis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117 (1), pp. 595 - 601 (2020)
Journal Article
Babel, H.; Naranjo-Meneses, P.; Trauth, S.; Schulmeister, S.; Malengo, G.; Sourjik, V.; Bischofs, I. B.: Ratiometric population sensing by a pump-probe signaling system in Bacillus subtilis. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 1176 (2020)
Journal Article
Laganenka, L.; Esteban-Lopez, M.; Colin, R.; Sourjik, V.: Flagellum-mediated mechanosensing and RflP control motility state of pathogenic Escherichia coli. mBio 11 (2), e02269-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Colin, R.; Drescher, K.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotactic behaviour of Escherichia coli at high cell density. Nature Communications 10, 5329 (2019)
Journal Article
Huertgen, D.; Mascarenhas, J.; Heymann, M.; Murray, S. M.; Schwille, P.; Sourjik, V.: Reconstitution and Coupling of DNA Replication and Segregation in a Biomimetic System. SI 20 (20), pp. 2633 - 2642 (2019)
Journal Article
Huertgen, D.; Haertel, T.; Murray, S. M.; Sourjik, V.; Schwille, P.: Functional Modules of Minimal Cell Division for Synthetic Biology. SI 3 (6), 1800315 (2019)
Journal Article
Hürtgen, D.; Murray, S. M.; Mascarenhas, J.; Sourjik, V.: DNA Segregation in Natural and Synthetic Minimal Systems. Advanced Biosystems 3 (6), 1800316 (2019)
Journal Article
Laganenka, L.; Sander, T.; Lagonenko, A.; Chen, Y.; Link, H.; Sourjik, V.: Quorum sensing and metabolic state of the host control lysogeny-lysis switch of bacteriophage T1. mBio 10 (5), e01884-19 (2019)
Journal Article
Rudenko, J.; Ni, B.; Glatter, T.; Sourjik, V.: Inefficient Secretion of Anti-sigma Factor FlgM Inhibits Bacterial Motility at High Temperature. ISCIENCE 16, pp. 145 - + (2019)
Journal Article
Sentürk, O. I.; Schauer, O.; Chen, F.; Sourjik, V.; Wegner, S.: Red/Far-Red Light Switchable Cargo Attachment and Release in Bacteria-Driven Microswimmers. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1900956 (2019)
Journal Article
Lopes, J.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotaxis of Escherichia coli to major hormones and polyamines present in human gut. ISME JOURNAL 12 (11), pp. 2736 - 2747 (2018)
Journal Article
Mundt, M.; Anders, A.; Murray, S. M.; Sourjik, V.: A System for Gene Expression Noise Control in Yeast. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY 7 (11), pp. 2618 - 2626 (2018)
Journal Article
Schwille, P.; Spatz, J.; Landfester, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Herminghaus, S.; Sourjik, V.; Erb, T. J.; Bastiaens, P.; Lipowsky, R.; Hyman, A. et al.; Dabrock, P.; Baret, J.; Vidakovic-Koch, T.; Bieling, P.; Dimova, R.; Mutschler, H.; Robinson, T.; Tang, T.; Wegner, S.; Sundmacher, K.: MaxSynBio: Avenues Towards Creating Cells from the Bottom Up. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 57 (41), pp. 13382 - 13392 (2018)
Journal Article
Bi, S.; Jin, F.; Sourjik, V.: Inverted signaling by bacterial chemotaxis receptors. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 9, 2927 (2018)
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