Publications of Knut Drescher

Journal Article (41)

Journal Article
Peschek, N.; Herzog, R.; Singh, P. K.; Sprenger, M.; Meyer, F.; Froehlich, K. S.; Schroeger, L.; Bramkamp, M.; Drescher, K.; Papenfort, K.: RNA-mediated control of cell shape modulates antibiotic resistance in Vibrio cholerae. Nature Communications 11 (1), 6067 (2020)
Journal Article
Pearce, P.; Song, B.; Skinner, D. J.; Mok, R.; Hartmann, R.; Singh, P. K.; Jeckel, H.; Oishi, J. S.; Drescher, K.; Dunkel, J.: Flow-Induced Symmetry Breaking in Growing Bacterial Biofilms. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123 (25), 258101 (2019)
Journal Article
Nisbett, L.-M.; Binnenkade, L.; Bacon, B.; Hossain, S.; Kotloski, N. J.; Brutinel, E. D.; Hartmann, R.; Drescher, K.; Arora, D. P.; Muralidharan, S. et al.; Thormann, K. M.; Gralnick, J. A.; Boon, E. M.: NosP Signaling Modulates the NO/H-NOX-Mediated Multicomponent c-Di-GMP Network and Biofilm Formation in Shewanella oneidensis. BIOCHEMISTRY 58 (48), pp. 4827 - 4841 (2019)
Journal Article
Diaz-Pascual, F.; Hartmann, R.; Lempp, M.; Vidakovic, L.; Song, B.; Jeckel, H.; Thormann, K. M.; Yildiz, F. H.; Dunkel, J.; Link, H. et al.; Nadell, C. D.; Drescher, K.: Breakdown of Vibrio cholerae biofilm architecture induced by antibiotics disrupts community barrier function. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 4 (12), pp. 2136 - + (2019)
Journal Article
Colin, R.; Drescher, K.; Sourjik, V.: Chemotactic behaviour of Escherichia coli at high cell density. Nature Communications 10, 5329 (2019)
Journal Article
Jeckel, H.; Matthey, N.; Drescher, K.: Biophysics: Common concepts for bacterial collectives. ELIFE 8, e47019 (2019)
Journal Article
Hartmann, R.; Singh, P. K.; Pearce, P.; Mok, R.; Song, B.; Diaz-Pascual, F.; Dunkel, J.; Drescher, K.: Emergence of three-dimensional order and structure in growing biofilms. Nature Physics 15, pp. 251 - 256 (2019)
Journal Article
Jeckel, H.; Jelli, E.; Hartmann, R.; Singh, P. K.; Mok, R.; Totz, J. F.; Vidakovic, L.; Eckhardt, B.; Dunkel, J.; Drescher, K.: Learning the space-time phase diagram of bacterial swarm expansion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (5), pp. 1489 - 1494 (2019)
Journal Article
Beuter, D.; Gomes, J.; Randau, L.; Diaz-Pascual, F.; Drescher, K.; Link, H.: Selective Enrichment of Slow-Growing Bacteria in a Metabolism-Wide CRISPRi Library with a TIMER Protein. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY 7 (12), pp. 2775 - 2782 (2018)
Journal Article
Dragos, A.; Kiesewalter, H.; Martin, M.; Hsu, C.; Hartmann, R.; Wechsler, T.; Eriksen, C.; Brix, S.; Drescher, K.; Stanley-Wall, N. et al.; Kummerli, R.; Kovacs, A.: Division of Labor during Biofilm Matrix Production. CURRENT BIOLOGY 28 (12), p. 1903 (2018)
Journal Article
Martinez-Garcia, R.; Nadell, C.; Hartmann, R.; Drescher, K.; Bonachela, J.: Cell adhesion and fluid flow jointly initiate genotype spatial distribution in biofilms. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 14 (4), e1006094 (2018)
Journal Article
Simmons, M.; Drescher, K.; Nadell, C.; Bucci, V.: Phage mobility is a core determinant of phage-bacteria coexistence in biofilms. ISME JOURNAL 12 (2), pp. 532 - 543 (2018)
Journal Article
Vidakovic, L.; Singh, P. K.; Hartmann, R.; Nadell, C.; Drescher, K.: Dynamic biofilm architecture confers individual and collective mechanisms of viral protection. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 3 (1) (2018)
Journal Article
Singh, P.; Bartalomej, S.; Hartmann, R.; Jeckel, H.; Vidakovic, L.; Nadell, C.; Drescher, K.: Vibrio cholerae Combines Individual and Collective Sensing to Trigger Biofilm Dispersal. Current Biology 27 (21), pp. 3359 - 3366 (2017)
Journal Article
Fong, J.; Rogers, A.; Michael, A.; Parsley, N.; Cornell, W.; Lin, Y.; Singh, P.; Hartmann, R.; Drescher, K.; Vinogradov, E. et al.; Dietrich, L.; Partch, C.; Yildiz, F.: Structural dynamics of RbmA governs plasticity of Vibrio cholerae biofilms. eLife 6, e26163 (2017)
Journal Article
Nadell, C.; Ricaurte, D.; Yan, J.; Drescher, K.; Bassler, B.: Flow environment and matrix structure interact to determine spatial competition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. eLife 6, e21855 (2017)
Journal Article
Besharova, O.; Suchanek, V. M.; Hartmann, R.; Drescher, K.; Sourjik, V.: Diversification of Gene Expression during Formation of Static Submerged Biofilms by Escherichia coli. Front Microbiol 7, p. 1568 (2016)
Journal Article
Nadell, C.D.; Hartmann, R.; Drescher, K.: An Emerging Grip on the Growth of Grounded Bacteria. ACS Nano 10 (10), pp. 9109 - 9110 (2016)
Journal Article
Nadell, C.D.; Drescher, K.; Foster, K.R.: Spatial structure, cooperation and competition in biofilms. Nature Reviews Microbiology 14 (9), pp. 589 - 600 (2016)
Journal Article
Drescher, K.; Dunkel, J.; Nadell, C.D.; van Teeffelen, S.; Grnja, I.; Wingreen, N.S.; Stone, H.A.; Bassler, B.L.: Architectural transitions in Vibrio cholerae biofilms at single-cell resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (14), pp. E2066 - E2072 (2016)
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