Publications of Rudolf Thauer

Book Chapter (18)

Book Chapter
Jaun, B.; Thauer, R.: Methyl-coenzmye M reductase and its nickel corphin coenzyme F430 in methanogenic archaea. In: Nickel and its Surprising Impact in Nature, Vol. 2 of Metal Ions in Life Sciences, pp. 323 - 356. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK (2007)
Book Chapter
Thauer, R.: Metal-Carbon bonds in Biology. In: In Metial ions in Life Sciences, vol 2, pp. 1 - 702. Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester (2007)
Book Chapter
Thauer, R.; Shima, S.: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase in methanogens and methanotrophs. In: Archaea, Evolution, Physiology and Molecuar Biology, pp. 275 - 283. Blackwell Publishing, Inc, Malden, USA (2007)
Book Chapter
Thauer, R.; Stackebrandt, E.; Hamilton, W.A.: Energy Metabolism of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria. In: Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria: Environmental and Engineered Systems, pp. 1 - 37. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge/USA (2007)
Book Chapter
Thauer, R. K.; Shima, S.: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase in methanogenic and methanotrophic archaea. In: Archaea Biology (Eds. Garrett, R.; Klenk, H.-P.). Blackwell Publishing, Inc., Malden, USA (2006)
Book Chapter
Vorholt, J. A.; Thauer, R. K.: Molybdenum and tungsten enzymes in C1 metabolism. In: Metal ions in biological systems, Vol. 39, pp. 571 - 620 (Eds. Sigel, A.; Sigel, H.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (2002)
Book Chapter
Buurman, G.; Afting, C.; Thauer, R. K.: The metal-free hydrogenase from methanogenic archaea. In: Hydrogen as a fuel: Learning by nature, Vol. 8.4, pp. 167 - 169 (Eds. Cammack, R.; Frey, M.; Robson, R.). CRC Press, London (2001)
Book Chapter
Grabarse, W.; Shima, S.; Mahlert, F.; Duin, E. C.; Thauer, R. K.; Ermler, U.: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase. In: Handbook of Metalloproteins, pp. 897 - 914 (Eds. Wieghardt, K.; Huber, R.; Poulus, T. L.; Messerschmidt, A.). John Wiley & sons (2001)
Book Chapter
Thauer, R. K.: The role of corrinoids in methanogenesis. In: In Chemistry and Biochemistry of B12, pp. 655 - 679 (Ed. Banerjee, R.). Wiley & Sons Ltd (1999)
Book Chapter
Thauer, R. K.; Kunow, J.: Sulfate-Reducing Archaea. In: Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria. Biotechnology Handbooks, vol. 8 (Ed. Barton, L. L.). Springer, Boston, MA. (1995)
Book Chapter
Thauer, R. K.; Hedderich, R.; Fischer, R.: Reactions and enzymes involved in methanogenesis from CO2 and H2. In: Methanogenesis (Ed. Ferry, J. G.). Chapman & Hall Microbiology Series. Springer, Boston, MA. (1993)

Other (3)

Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.: Methanothermobacter — Biokatalysator für die Energiewende, Biospektrum 27, pp. 14 - 17 (2021)
Thauer, R. K.: Leopoldina als Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, BIOspektrum 14, p. 567 - 567 (2008)
Kreft, J.; Thauer, R.: Emil von Behring-Preis 2006 an Werner Goebel und Gerhard Gottschalk, BIOspektrum 04, pp. 428 - 9 (2006)

Commentary (3)

VAAM Ehrenmitglied Gerhart Drews gestorben. (2023)
Obituary Gerhart Drews (Archives of Microbiology, 205). (2023)
VAAM-Ehrenmitglied Anita Hoffmann mit 95 Jahren gestorben. (2022)

Review Article (29)

Review Article
Buckel, W.; Thauer, R. K.: Flavin-based electron bifurcation, a new mechanism of biological energy coupling. Chemical Reviews 118 (7), pp. 3862 - 3886 (2018)
Review Article
Buckel, W.; Thauer, R.: Flavin-based electron bifurcation, ferredoxin, flavodoxin and anaerobic respiration with protons (Ech) or NAD+ (Rnf) as electron acceptors: A historical review. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 401, pp. 1 - 24 (2018)
Review Article
Martin, W.; Thauer, R. K.: Energy in Ancient Metabolism. Cell 168 (6), pp. 953 - 955 (2017)
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